Chapter 26

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It is 7am and all the girls are up texting each other while the boys are asleep. 

Jordan, Jessika, and Bri each have a different morning routine but they come together in the end. 

~Jordan's POV~

I get up to go downstairs to Bri down there making herself coffee. 

"Good morning" she says smiling at me. 

"Morning" I say back to her getting a water out of the fridge. 

"Have you and Trey decided what you're going to do with this house??" I say looking at her after sitting at the island. 

"He wants to just sale the furniture and keep this house for when we're ready to have a family." She says looking at me.

"Oh that is pretty smart." I say smiling. 

"I hope it is" she says laughing. 

I chuckle then head back upstairs to see Tyga sleeping so cutely. 

I head into the shower and take a 20 minute one then get out and go into the closet that has some of my clothes. 

I just put on a T-shirt and leggings since all we're doing today is moving. 

I then do my makeup and hair. 

Now it's time to wake Tyga up so I'll see ya'll in a little. 

~Bri's POV~ 

After Jordan went upstairs I was just going through Trey's mail because sometimes I have mail that comes here. 

I then go to the back door and let Coco out so I just go out and wait for her plus it's kind of nice out. 

Once she was ready to come back in I let her in then head upstairs to Trey's room. 

He was sleeping peacefully so I just kissed his forehead and then hopped in the shower. 

Once I was out of the shower I put my hair in a bun and only put on mascara. I then head into his room to see him awake so I kiss him quickly and get dressed. 

I just put on a Trey Songz T-Shirt and leggings since nothing's really happening today. 

I now have to entertain Trey so I'll see ya'll at the new house. 

~Jessika's POV~ 

Bri and Jordan's morning is so put together well not mine. 

I get up and lay in bed on twitter for about 30 minutes then Chris wakes up and takes a shower. 

He gets out of the shower and tells me to go get mine so I do then get dressed into a grey shirt and my leggings. 

I don't do my makeup and my hair goes up into a bun. 

I then call Bri. 

B- Hello? Dammit Trey stop. 

J- Hey both of you I guess 

B- sorry, what's up?

J- do you want to be at the house a little earlier than 9??

B- yeah, let's meet there at 8:30.

J- Alright sounds good and hey is it okay if we take a few boxes in the house??

B- Yeah, just put them against the walls in the hall. 

J- Alright thank you. 

B- Mhm.

We then ended the call and Chris and I got some boxes and headed over there. 

~Trey's POV~

These moments with Bri make me so happy and it makes me realize how much I really do love this girl. 

Anyways we get Tyga and Jordan then put a few boxes in the car from the studio and head over to the new house. 

I pulled into the house and Bri, Jordan, and Tyga got out then I backed into the garage next to Chris' car. 

I head inside with a box and Bri helps me. 

We take the boxes into the kitchen since nothing but supplies and a breakfast table is going in here. 

~Bri's POV~ 

So we're finally at the new house and I am actually talking to Chris alone downstairs. 

"So I want to ask her but I don't know when." He says looking at me. 

"Do it when we go to the lake that'll be so cute!!!" I say back. 

"Yes that I will do!! Thanks Bri you're a true friend." He says back smiling. 

"You're welcome anything to help you two out." I say back to him. 

~Jessika's POV~

Trey and I are currently outside talking right now. 

"So like I really want to ask her but where should I do it?" He says looking scared. 

"Take her somewhere like to the beach or something and make it private then have all of her friends there and someone to take pictures of you doing it!" I say smiling because I mean that's a good plan. 

Then I see Chris walk up and Trey and him go out front. 

So I just go over to Bri and we were talking about random things. 

~Trey's POV~

"Okay, Jessika said to take Bri aka Jessika to the beach or something and have all of her friends there but have the part private and have someone do the pictures of it. Well have Bri." I say to Chris 

"Okay and Bri said to have me aka you do it at the lake and just have her friends around like the ones that are going with us." He says to me. 

We now have a plan. 

They planned their own proposal. 

~Bri's POV~

Trey and Chris came back in so we were just standing around waiting for the furniture to get here. 

Right on cue they actually show up and knock on the door. 

I go over and answer the door "Hello" I say nicely with a smile. 

"Hello we're here to deliver furniture." The guy says trying to get close to me. 

"Yes you can bring the stuff in and we will tell you where it goes." I say back to them

Just then a designer came in and she saw how we wanted everything so she did it for us. 

Then Tyga and Jordan's uhal came same with Chris' and Jessika's and Trey's

So we all unload them and get the boxes to where they need to be. 

They were all in the rooms getting stuff done when the doorbell went off. 

It was just the decorations and stuff for the kitchen so they put it in there and I put everything away down there. 

We are trying to get everything done today because we do have school tomorrow and we don't want the boys doing everything. 

As soon as I was done downstairs I went up to mine and Trey's room and we finished within an hour. Him and I work fast together. 

I then go downstairs with him and head to his house after telling everyone we were leaving for a little to one, go grocery shopping, to pick food up, and then to get Coco since everyone wants her living at the house because she is trained not to be on white stuff. 

So Jessika comes with me instead of Trey because he hates grocery shopping. 

We hop into my car and head to the store. 

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