Chapter 38

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~Bri's POV~
--4 Months Later--

We were finally back from Dubai, well we have been back actually..

Last week was beyond busy for us, we had meetings, we're selling Trey's house, and we now know the GENDER!!!!

Today we are actually having the Gender Reveal Party and I am more than excited for this.

Jessika, Jordan, and I are now on the way to The Glass House to get ready for the party.

Trey will be meeting up with us after because he's going to pick the cake up with Chris and Tyga.

--15 Minutes Later--

There was paparazzi everywhere so we just pushed us into the area and went to get decorating.

As we were decorating I called Trey to warn him about the paparazzi.

~Jessika's POV~

"Dude I wish she would tell us the gender" I said looking at Jordan while Bri was on the phone with Trey and Chris.

"I have a feeling it's a boy" Jordan said to me.

Just then Bri came back and we finished all of the decorating just as the boys come in with the cake.

After they sit it down I saw Trey and Bri talking then they turned to us, "Okay since we want you guys to know before everyone else the lake out there is the color of the gender so go look at it" she smiled after she said it.

We went over and it was.... We won't tell ya'll until the party ;)

~Bri's POV~

Now that the house knows the gender I feel great and they are so excited.

Everyone started showing up so the lake went back to being pink and blue.

--1 Hour Later--

"Okay Bri we have 32 on baby boy and 18 on baby girl." Trey said to me.

We handed out the poppers and went down to the lake.

"On the count of three you will push the button and you will know the gender." Trey said just as Jessika and Chris start filming from two different areas.

"3... 2... 1..." I yelled and they all did it.

The color of the confetti and the lake was BLUE!!

"We are having a baby boy, named Cameron Xavier Neverson!!!" Trey yelled out.

We then both picked up some of the confetti and everyone behind us threw it in the air as we blew it out of our hands while Jordan took pictures.

Jordan sent me the pictures Trey and I loved and I Instasized it then went to Instagram.

I posted the picture with the caption, 'WE ARE HAVING A BABY BOY!!!!! Mommy and Daddy love you Cameron Xavier Neverson!!'

Then Trey did it too but his caption was, 'Little Trey will be arriving January 16, 2013. Daddy loves you Prince Cameron Xavier.'

--2 Hours later--

We were finally home and I wasn't feeling too good so I just went to lay down while everyone else was downstairs doing god who knows.

~Trey's POV~

Chris, Tyga, Jessika, and I are downstairs right now watching E!News and they started talking about Bri and I.

"Rumor has it, this baby isn't even Trey's and that it is Nick Cannon's."

"Dude what the hell?? Do they even know each other??" I said looking at Jessika.

Jessika looks at me and says "Dude they've known each other for 3 or 4 years now."

"Oh hell no, I'll be back" I said.

I went up got dressed in all black, walked back down and grabbed my keys ignoring everyone else, got in my lambo, and sped off.

This nigga is about to get it, who the fuck does this nigga think he is!?

This better not be true or I'm going to be done with everyone and everything.

I pulled into Nick's house and got out.

I knocked on the door, 15 seconds later Nick opens the door and lets me in.

"So why are people saying you fucked my wife?" I said raising my voice.

Nick looked confused, "Dude what are you talking about?? The last time I talked to Bri was at the Wild N' Out Studio. I was asking her to have you and her come on... And that was AFTER she was pregnant. I would never do that to you Trey you're like a brother to me come on now."


"Nigga I don't know why it is calm the fuck down." Nick said looking at me.

"Was ya'll a thing at all!?" I said.

"Like 4 years ago we talked but that's it, she didn't want anything serious and I met Mariah" He said sitting on the couch with me.

"Then why is every news outlet saying that Cameron is your baby and not mine??" I said back to him.

"I honestly don't know I only saw her in the studio for Wild N' Out and I had King there so ask him if you don't believe me.. I would never have sex with her now. She is married and I'm still technically married. She wouldn't do it either bro I promise you should see the way she talks about you like I wish I had a girl like that because she speaks so high of you" Nick said to me.

"Alright well I am sorry for coming here and getting out of control..." I said getting up.

"No it's fine I understand I would do the same if someone said the twins weren't mine." He said back to me then I left.

I decided when I got home and I was in the car to go to Twitter, 'Cameron Xavier is MINE, Bri would never cheat on me and especially not with Nick Cannon, Cannon and I talked so don't worry.'

Then I got out and headed back inside to see Bri sitting on the couch not looking too good.

"Baby why are you up??" I said

"Did you REALLY think that rumor was true!? You had to go to Nick like you didn't trust me!? I am your WIFE!" Bri said looking back at me.

Fuck man, I fucked this one up.

"You're on the fucking couch tonight I do not want to see you right now!" She yelled at me the walked upstairs.

I need to make this right..

I sat on the couch with my head to the ground just thinking.

Then it hit me, I wonder if she is asleep.

I went up to the room and saw her wide awake.

"Baby can we talk??" I said walking in.

"What is it?" She said not even looking at me.

"Okay I don't know what happened to me I just really wanted to protect my family and when I heard that something just came over me that shouldn't have and I truly am sorry." I said walking to the bed.

"Why didn't you come to me first??" She said looking at me.

"You were asleep and I didn't want to bother you because I know how hard it is for you to go to sleep but I needed answers." I said looking at her with a few tears in my eyes.

She got up and just hugged me. "I am not happy with you but I love you and we promised to not go to bed mad at each other." She said.

"I love you too babygirl" I said then kissed her forehead. "Now let's get some sleep baby we have Wild N' Out tomorrow" I said with a little smile then picked her head up and kissed her.

She smiled and laid back down, I kissed her forehead and went to get changed, I then came back out and she was out. That is when you know she is exhausted.

I cuddled up to her and kissed her forehead then fell asleep.

My Thug or hers?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat