Chapter 20

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-3 weeks later-

We are all at the house right now with my dad.

My mom is doing way better but she's still in the hospital.

Everyone but Trey and I were downstairs.

Trey was laying on my bed and I was sitting on my desk chair.

Trey fell asleep so I decided to play a prank on him.

I snuck Chris and Jessika in the room with my dad and they all got ready.

I screamed and he woke up then sat up fast.

Cris was holding a cookie sheet and Trey hit it, Jessika was recording the whole thing and my dad sprayed whipped cream all over him.

I'm just standing there laughing my ass off at him getting hurt and he runs after me.

I run down the stairs as fast as I could.

"Trey!! Stop!! No!! Don't get me!!" I say in and out of breaths.

I end up falling on the couch and he kisses my cheek and puts the whip cream all over me.


While I scream he just laughs at me.

"Don't prank your boyfriend next time" he says into my ear.

Oh his ass is about to get payback 😂

Jessika comes downstairs with my dad and Chris and just sits on the couch.

I got up and went up to my bathroom, locked the door, then striped out of my clothes, and got a shower.

After I got out of the shower I went into my closet and put on sweatpants, a sports bra, Trey's sweatshirt, and a pair of purple socks.

I then just put my hair in a messy bun then walk back downstairs and sat on the couch right next to Trey who was already clean.

I look on my phone at tweets and retweet a bunch of Brigga tweets.

I then tweet "I love my boyfriend💅🏼😏"

It gets at least 30,000 retweets in 5 minutes.

Then Trey tweets "I love her so much man☺️😍" and gets at least 300,000 retweets in 8 minutes.

Jessika and I were talking about dumb things while Trey and Chris were joking around.

"Let's go see her Bri" Jessika says to me.

"Okay" I say back then get up.

Trey and Chris came with us so I went up to my room and got my keys to my jeep.

I walked back downstairs with my keys and phone.

"Dad we'll be back we're going to see mom" I say to my dad looking over at him.

"Okay" he said back to me.

We walk out to the car and get in, Trey and I in the front, and Jessika and Chris in the backseat.

After Trey puts on Songs on Twelve Play I drive off and out of the drive way.

We head down to the hospital all silent other than Chris, Jessika, and Trey singing to the music.

-15 minutes later-

We're finally at the hospital so we park near the entrance and get out.

We all walk in Trey and I hand and hand and Chris and Jessika hand and hand.

The nurse greets us inside and says "be careful" but it was nothing strange.

We walk in and its complete quiet other than her heart beats.

She seemed okay from what I could tell but she also seemed different.

She was quiet and sleeping which was usual so we all just sat there for a little and just watched her.

She's been losing her memory a lot lately but she should remember us.

She wakes up and looks at me "who are you?"

Just a few days ago she remembered me...

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