Chapter 27

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~Bri's POV~

We pulled into walmart, I mean it's a good place to shop. 

We get everything I need from there and stopping to look at baby stuff because you know we have the baby fever. 

But since this is our new house and we have 6 people and one dog we had two carts full of stuff. 

When we were done there it was 500 dollars so we head to Petco real quick to pick a few things up and then we head to the house to put everything away. 

--30 minutes later-- 

We still had errands to run which included going back to walmart to get cleaning supplies because we didn't want to get it with all of the food. 

So we just head back out and she texts everyone at the house that we now have food in the house. 

So we head back to Walmart and get cleaning supplies. 

Then we head to Lowes to get flowers and a few more things. 

After Lowes we head to Office Depot to get office supplies then since we are in the area we head to the place that sells all studio stuff to surprise the boy with some new things. 

About after an hour in there we got a bunch of stuff. 

We went to Shells so I could get gas real quick since I needed it. 

Then since Jessika and I vlog and have a Youtube channel we head to bestbuy and buy a new camera and a few accessories. 

Then we head to the chinese place and get the food for everyone then went and got Coco. 

Even though it took us 3 hours to get home we came home with food and a dog so that is all that matters. 

I back into the garage and Jessika takes the food in and told them the food was here. 

While they were eating I brought all the cleaning supplies in and the office stuff in. 

Then I put the flowers out front in the grass for the gardener tomorrow. 

After that I took the studio stuff straight down to the basement and then fed Coco. 

Then thankfully I sat down and ate while everyone was still eating. 

After we finished eating I went to put the cleaning stuff away and Jessika went to put the office stuff away as Jordan was cleaning up. 

Once we were all done I said "Boys come here" 

Jordan was already in the whole thing so she already knew what was happening. 

We then take them downstairs and we showed them everything that we already set up and all that. 

They loved it all. 

So after that Jessika, Jordan, and I went up to the room where we are going to film and put everything in place and filmed a video called "Moving in/out." 

After that we decided to call it a night and as soon as I laid down I was gone. 

I was more than tired by doing everything today. 

--The next morning-- 

~Bri's POV~

It's weird waking up and being in my own house next to the love of my life. 

Anyways it's 5:30am and I get up to take my shower. 

Once I was done taking my shower I wrap my towel around me and go to my closet while Trey was still asleep of course. 

I put on my undergarments then my grey casual mini t-shirt dress and my flats. 

I then go to the bathroom, blow dry my hair and curled it. Then did my makeup. 

After that I went over to my vanity out in the room and put on my earrings, bracelet, and necklace. 

I kissed Trey's cheek which woke him up so he kind of got grumpy but I kissed him and said "I love you baby" 

He then said "I love you too." and went back to sleep. 

I went downstairs to see that Jessika and Jordan were all ready to go. 

I grabbed something quick to eat then my cup and filled it up with water and we all got into my car. 

All of our bags in the back with Jordan we take off to school. 

"I'm so ready for this year to be over." Jessika says sighing. 

"Girl I feel you" Jordan says back. 

"We only have 2 more weeks we got this." I say focusing on the road. 

We get to the school and walk in with Q and Iyon with Jazz?

Jazmine comes over to me and says "Well Iyon and I are together.. If you're okay with it of course"

"Yeah I'm cool with that I have Trey." I say back to her. 

Then she smiles and says "Alright. Cool" 

But little does she know I found out what Iyon does and I'm not getting myself in the drug world that's only a bad image on me.

But anyways we walk into the studio class first and get that class done fast. 

~Trey's POV~ 

Dude Bri went to school and I didn't want her to because all I want to do is spend time with her. 

But anyways I am in the studio with Chris and my manager working on a new song that I wrote about Bri. 

--2 Hours later-- 

We were finally finished at it was 2:00 which means Bri will be home in an hour. As long as they don't go do anything. 

We're hoping they don't because we want to go do something with them today. 

We already bought the tickets to the Bateaux New York Diner Cruise and all so let's hope they come straight home. 

~Jessika's POV~ 

It's finally the end of the day and Bri and I are talking about graduation weekend and to one of our oldest friends, Greg. I know we don't talk much about him but that's because we barely see each other. 

Anyways it's now 2:50 which means HOME!!

We walk out to Bri's car as she was talking to Q about coming over this weekend to do a video. 

So about 5 minutes later she gets in and says "Home?"

"Yes I bet the boys want us home" I say back to her. 

She then puts the music home and we drove home in 15 minutes just singing. 

Bri pulls into the garage and get out with them and we walked in without our bags or anything. 

~Bri's POV~

And as I walk in Trey just looks at me in shock by what I was wearing. 

I must be looking cute today.

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