Chapter 30

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When we left off last chapter Bri was in the middle of throwing up and everyone was really worried about her. Both Trey and her had asked if she could be pregnant. Will we find out this chapter or not??

~Jessika's POV~

"Dude what if she is pregnant??" Chris said looking at all of us.

"No she can't be she is more careful than that.. Dude what if she is will they move out??? I don't want them to move out baby or not.." I said looking up all worried.

Then we heard Trey coming down and he looked scared himself.

Luckily Bri wasn't with him just yet but she might be in a little.

"Ya'll I'm scared she might be pregnant..." Trey said rubbing his head.

"Don't be scared you will have us here through the sleepless nights. We won't make you guys leave just because you're going to have a baby. You know we will love that baby so much come on bro.. It'll be okay. It's not like you don't have the money for this baby." Chris said standing beside Trey comforting him. I love their relationship it's so cute.

Then Bri came down very slowly but she got down here.

She just went into the kitchen and grabbed something to drink and a little snack since she hasn't been eating.

She came and sat beside me. I saw her beyond scared so I just rubbed her back.

"Are you going to take a test??" I said to her quietly and she just nodded her head.

"Bri look at me I don't care if you are pregnant, well I do just not in the way I'm talking about. Do you remember what I told you when you asked me what I would do if you were a teen mom? I told you I would never leave your side even if I was disappointed in you, you and Jordan are my best friends and no matter what you will be my best friends and your babies will be my nieces and nephews you know this. I also know this is going through your head, no you will not have to move out. We don't want you to go even with a baby we will make a guest room into a beautiful nursery for the little Neverson. Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you'll lose us. I promised you this since day one girl." with that being said we hugged and I knew she needed it so Jordan joined in and hugged her too.

Now it's time for Jordan's little speech, "I know J covered pretty much everything but you know we each love you in this house especially a little someone who I know will never leave you or the baby. But you will always have all of our support. You can still make songs and all because you have a house full of people who love and care about you I promise. Nobody in here is going anywhere."

Bri at this point started crying because everyone was here for her so we all stood up and we did a huge group hug then I left with Jordan.

We ran to target real quick to get a few tests so she could take it and we got the Clear Blue early test.

A part of me really hopes she's pregnant, I'm ready for my niece or nephew.

On the way out Jordan and I stopped and looked at baby stuff then went home after checking out.

We got back home and everyone was asleep but Bri. I knew she wouldn't be able to fall asleep until she took at least one test tonight.

I went up to her bedroom and knocked quietly and she motioned for me to go out and she came out with me.

~Bri's POV~

Jessika, Jordan, and I went downstairs and I went to take the test in the guest bedroom.

"Oh my god!!!!!" I screamed running out with tears coming down my face "IT'S POSITIVE!!!"

They both squealed and hugged me and by then Trey came down.

I let go of them and I smiled and said "Well looks like you're going to be a daddy"

He looks at me scared then runs back upstairs and I got real scared.

He then comes back down with the boys and starts playing my favorite Trey Songz song and said "I was going to do this down at the lake but why not just do it now? You are the love of my life and I can't imagine my life with anyone else but you! So Brianna Paige Carson, *gets on one knee* will you marry me?"

"Oh my gosh yes!" I said with tears coming down my face.

He put the ring on me and we kissed.

Everyone was clapping and all and I didn't let go of Trey I couldn't, I was too happy to let him go and I know he felt the same way.

I would skip school tomorrow but we have graduation practice and I'll call the doctor tomorrow to make an appointment with them.

With that I went to bed because I am so tired and I need to get used to sleeping a lot right now.

--Next morning--

Today is that lazy yet chill day today.

Jordan, Jessika, and I decided we want to match today because we're just so cool like that.

I'll be wearing my purple outfit, J will be wearing her pink outfit, and Jor will be wearing her yellow one.

Don't worry the letters on the shirts and our Jordans only have the color in them so it isn't that bad.

But anyways I got up and it was a struggle to get moving today but then I saw my pregnancy test and my ring and that instantly woke me.

I got up and didn't take a shower since I took two the day before.

I put my hair in a bun and put my headband on and then did my mascara.

I went to go get dressed and as soon as I was done I put my engagement ring on (don't worry I am 18) and said goodbye to my future husband.

I then walked downstairs and nobody else was down there and since I was feeling nauseous I ate something salty because my mom always said that worked with her when she was pregnant.

Little did I think it actually worked for me.

But today since it is just graduation practice I'm not taking you guys with me so Byeee! I love you guys!!

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