Chapter 21

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She remembered me a few days ago..

I can't believe my mom forgot who I was..

"Babe, it's okay she'll remember you" Trey said wiping a tear from my cheek.

"I can't take this right now, I'm gonna go talk to her doctor." I said back then walked out.

I decided not to find her doctor so I just went down to the waiting room and sat there just thinking away.

She forgot who I was, the person that gave birth to me forgot who I was.

I decided to call my dad and talk to him.

-Lud's POV-

I was half way asleep and then my phone rang.

I look at the contact and it's my daughter so I answered her right away.

L: Hello?

B: Hey Dad..

L: Honey what's wrong? *sits up*

B: It's mom.

L: What happened?

B: She forgot who I was Dad, but she remembers everyone else..

L: Do you want me to come down there?

B: Please?

L: Okay, I will honey. Where are you at?

B: Thanks dad and I'm about to go outside and talk to one of my guards.

L: Okay, I'll be there in uh 10 minutes.

B: Okay, I love you dad.

L: I love you too honey.

We then end the call, I get up to get dressed, then I head to the hospital.

-Crystal's (Bri's mom) POV-

I look at this very pretty girl who was very well put together and I didn't recognize so I asked who she was.

She then got very upset and walked out.. Okay then.

"Hey guys :)" I said to Jessika, Chris, and Trey.

-Bri's POV-

As I walk outside a bunch of fans see me. I'm not really in the mood for any of them..

Since I wasn't in the mood I just walked over to my guard and he could tell so he kept everyone away from me.

"You okay B?" Chris walks out.

I turn around to see him and smile a little and say, "yeah I guess.."

"I know that face, you're not okay. Look your mom will remember you, I mean on the bright side she called you a very pretty young lady and her parents must be very proud of her." He said reassuring me.

"Thanks Chris" I said as he pulled me into a hug.

"I want you to remember we all have your back, you're not going through this alone but together okay?" He said pulling back.

"Yeah, thank you Chris it means a lot" I said as Trey walks out over to Us.

"Okay since he's out here imma go back in to Jessika." He said

I just nodded and looked at Trey.

"What you looking at me for? ☺️" he said

"No reason babe" I said back smiling.

I just stood there with him and waited for my dad.

I saw him pull in and get out of his car then he runs over to me.

Out of breath he starts talking to me "how.. are.. you.. doing.. Honey?"

"I'm doing fine I guess she.." I get cut off by Chris and Jessika running out.


"Wait what?" I said confused.

"She remembers you" Chris then says.

We then all take off to her room and I walk in and my mom says "Honey!!!"

"Hi mom" I said as I walked up and hugged her.

--2 hours later--

We're now leaving and this time since I'm tired Trey drove Chris and Jessika home then we went to his house.

"Come on baby we're here." Trey said standing beside my car door.

I opened my eyes and grab my stuff then get out.

We then walk inside and I went straight up to his bed laid down and fell asleep.

My Thug or hers?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن