Chapter 19

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Trey and I walk in hand and hand with my guards.

The fans were going crazy asking all these questions and screaming Trey's and I's name.

We get in finally and walk up to the nurses desk.

I show them my pass to see my mom and my pass to the hall that my dad is in.

After that we walked down to the room my mom's in.

It's gonna be hard but I think the siblings and my dad is going to be able to get through this.

Walking into my mom's room quietly with Trey we see my dad just sitting there tearing up just looking at her.

"Dad?" I say watching him.

He just looks up and wipes his tears.

I just go over to him and hug him the tightest I can.

My dad has never been this messed up before.

It shows his love for my mom is true.

"She'll be okay Dad" I say to him.

"I know honey im just scared to lose her.." He said looking at me.

Sitting down next to him so I can talk to him I say "me too dad but I'm staying strong because you have thousands of fans out there praying for us."

He just smiled and said "you're right"

Then he looked over and saw Trey and smiled.

"Hey Trigga" he said and did there little boy thing.

"Dad I think him and I are gonna work things out.." I said looking at Trey.

My dad just smiled and then I said "I actually went to his house when I said I was going home"

Then a nurse came in and said "Okay Ludicrous we need to take you back to your room"

My dad then stood up and hugged me as he kissed my forehead.

"I love you babygirl" he said pulling back.

"I love you too dad" I said as I smiled.

"Take everyone home and go do things to keep everyone's mind off of it even if it's go down to the studio and make a bunch of free style songs" he said to me then looked over at Trey.

"And you boy, keep my daughter safe please and dont hurt her again or everyone's gonna know we have feud" he said firmly.

"Yes Lud I'll keep your daughter safe. I fucked up once and I won't do it again" Trey said to my dad.

They then did their little boy handshake again and my dad left.

I look over and my mom and walk up to her and just kiss her cheek.

"I love you so much mom please pull through I need you." I whisper in her ear as the tears fall.

Trey then pulled me into a hug and calmed me down.

"You ready to go find everyone else?" Trey said looking at me.

"Yeah let's go" I said getting a little happier.

Holding Trey's hand we went down to the family room and saw everyone in there.

We walked in and Chris said "and I knew these two would work their shit out.. You owe me 100 dollars Quad!😏"

I just laughed a little and then Jessika said "Bri hows mom?"

And I said "oh well she looks waaaay better than when I saw her the first time. She's improving"

Everyone then got happy.

I pulled my phone and showed them the picture of her the first time and the picture off Trey's phone of the second time.

I think this is going to one pull the family a hell a lot closer and two be a great ending.

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