Chapter 16

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Trey messed up and he's not getting me back.

That's right Trigga will never have me back no matter how much he tries.

When you cheat my heart the first time you don't get another chance.

Anyways we're at lunch and Chris brought everyone Chinese so we were all eating that and just talking about everything.

I actually know Iyon likes me because I heard him talking to my brother about it which is cute and all and I like him too 😈

So I think it's time Bri does her little cute Bri thing like always.

I like him he likes me and we're best friends maybe something is gonna happen.

Anyways I barely ate so I have Jessika the rest of my food and of course she ate it.

After lunch we walk up to our next class and I just sat there looking in my phone.

When I look up I see Trey talking to my teacher about something and then my phone goes off and it was a text from Terrin.

Terrin...- Bri..?

Me- oh sorry.. I forgot to text you back but I'm good.

Terrin...- you sure?

Me- yeah. I'm not worrying about him.

Terrin...- okay..

Me- hey uh you think we could be friends again I need you back in my life.?

Terrin...- yeah I was waiting for you to ask tbh 😁

Me- oh ight.. So we good now? 😁😁

Terrin...- yeah ✊

Me- thank god 😈✊

After that I looked back up and Trey was still here.

When will he leave me alone? Like it's becoming be too much anymore.

Just then I get called to the office with my brother so we go down and sit in my grandads office with Stink..

This really can't be good.. Especially with all of us in here.

"Hey guys" my grandad said to us with a smile that I could tell was fake.

"Hey.." We all said at the same time.

This is really not good.

"So Uhm well I called you all in here at the same time because I have some bad news.." He said looking at us.

Exactly what I didn't want to hear.

"Mom and Dad had gotten into a horrible accident on the way home and both of them are in the hospital.. Your dad is for sure going to live but your mom is having a lot of trouble staying stable as of right now it's a 39-100 percent that she'll live and recover." he said tearing up himself.

I just sat there in shock..

I wanted to cry but I couldn't..

Q was tearing up and Stink was balling her eyes out.

I just hugged Stink and held onto her.. She is a momma's girl so it's hurting her most.

About 2 hours later I went ahead and just went back to class with Q and Stink stayed with my grandad.

Q and I walked into class and just sat down keeping to ourselves.

I got on my phone and tweeted 'praying for you momma stay strong 😔🙌 @MommaCarson'

Then I locked my phone and just looked at the white board.

My phone kept going off text by text by text and I just looked at them and answered some.

Terrin✊- if your mom okay?

Me- I don't know.. She's in the hospital.

babygirl stay strong 😘 mom's gonna be okay. You know she's a strong lady and she's not gonna leave you guys. 💗 you guys can come to the hospital at 4pm and see your mom and I. And I'm doing okay don't worry about me. I love you ❤️

Me- I love you too dad!😇 so far Q and I are staying strong but Stink is still with grandpa because she's been crying since we found out. Stay strong dad and tell mom I love her 💗😘

The Bestie😈💜- B stay strong momma's gonna be okay 😘 Q texted me and told me everything that happened. I'll go to the hospital with you if you want me to because I know how much you need someone. Remember I love you little sister. ☺️😈

Me- Thanks J ❤️ I love you too and yeah come with me if you can because you're family and I want you to see mom too. 💜

CB💯- how's MommaCarson hanging in there Bee?

Me- ehh they really didn't tell us anything other than she's really hurt and she might not live..

Trigga🔫- Bri I know you might not want me to text you right now but if you need anything just come on over because imma still be here for you. I want us to work everything out.. I broke it off with Mila.

Me- Thanks Trey.. I'll text you if I ever need to come over..

Iyonnn😈- feel better Bri.. Imma go to the hospital with you guys because you and Q need us.. I love you and stay strong 💗
Me- thank you I and I love you too ❤️

After that the bell rung so I grabbed my bag and walked out with Q and down to my car.

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