chapter 45 : mr arrogant.

Start from the beginning

All the six ladies looked at me agape.

Their voices were now down and as if I solved their problem they all said okay.

To be honest if they didnt keep quiet I would have gotten a migraine.

And as if my mother couldn't be here on time she sashayed in the room looking all glorious.

My father was indeed treating her right.

She spotted some dark pants with long sleeved Versace designed top and heels that were probably my height.
Jokes they were just five inches and sunglasses.

"I heard yall brought a storm" my mother said chuckling and they all looked at her.

No tension.

"Mom since you dont want to greet us Well can I start trying on my dress?" I asked rolling my eyes and she removed her glasses.

She was still scary.

She didnt even look a day over thirty.

"Yeah sure go on" she said and took a sit between her daughter and my cousin Ninsee.

She looked alot like my mother's younger sister and Aleiah was the one who had her looks.

In short Ninsee looked like Aleiah.

After trying on a gazillion of dresses I decided to give up.

None of them were my taste.
No one even admired them when I had the on.

Even the one I liked they didnt.

So I decided to give up and when I told my mother that I would come back tomorrow because i was starving and we had been doing the changing of these dresses for five damn hours she took me back and told me that if they have to sit there for a whole week they would do it but I wouldn't come out of here without getting a dress.

I didnt want a custom made one either.

It would take more time and Abelardo was getting impatient.

I loved how it got on his nerves when I told him that three months was a short period this was the fourth month and according to the invitations the wedding was two weeks from now and I still didnt have a dress.

I guess that was the reason my mother kept me here.

Tomorrow we would go for cake tasting and later on take these women to get their designs for their dress done.

By the way Arham left the hospital a week ago.
The doctors claimed that he was okay but would take him days to cope and when he was coming home he didnt look any slight okay.

Not at all but afte attending some counselling and therapy I guess he got better because he could smile now and you would see the twinkle in his eyes.

My mom decided to help me choose the dress and when I was about to skip this dress that I had been skipping I touched the material and my mother looked at me.

"Take it" she said and removed it out of the hanger with the help of the stylist who didnt look any bit annoyed or even bored or mad.

This woman whose name I forgot had been walking and helping me for the last seven hours that we have been here.

I didnt know shopping for one dress would be this hectic or I would have told Abelardo to go and get me a dress himself.

I hesitated a little but my mother forced me to atleast try it.
She went back to wait with the girls who still had not finished their late lunch.

Mr Arrogant Jerk Where stories live. Discover now