Isn't this great?..

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The dress in this pic is Amara's second dress.

(Noah/Abel's POV)

This couldn't get anymore awkward. We're all sitting around the table in utter silence. Reaching over I grab Amara's knee, gently I squeeze her to comfort her. I can see how tense she. Following her eyes, I watch as her and her mother have a stare down. I can only imagine about what.

"Amara, dear." The older brunette folds her hands on her lap. "I have a dress for you up stairs, why don't you go try it on?" Her goldish brown eyes narrow as she scoffs at her daughter's outfit.

"Now?" Amara raises a brow as she sets her fork down. "What's wrong with the dress I'm wearing?"

Taking a sip of her wine, her mother wipes her mouth and stares hard at her daughter. "The dress I bought will fit your form so much better." She tries to hide her judgement with a smile.

"I like what I'm wearing..." She mumbles to herself, low enough for only me to hear.

"Darling, leave her alone." Amara's father chimes in as he squeezes his wife's hand in a gentle warning.

Slipping her hand out from under his, Mrs. Peeters smiles firmly at her daughter. "Follow me."

Without a second glance at me, Amara rolls her eyes and stands from her chair. I watch as her and her mother exit the dinning room. I don't understand what was wrong with Amara's dress, I thought it was cute... Really cute.

I want to mentally slap myself when I feel my face heat red as I think of my fake girlfriend.

"Abel, I never got to truly thank you for saving my daughter." Shaun smiles at me from across the table.

A loud gasp coming from a few chairs down, I snap my head in it's direction.

"This is the boy that saved our darling Amara?" Joyce tucks her hands in her lap as her eyes go wide.

Her mini version of herself does the same thing, only she gives me a flirty smirk.

Quickly looking away from the flirtatious blonde, I turn back to Shaun.

"Anyone would of done it." I shrug with an uncomfortable smile.

I don't know what to do at these family things, I always end it right then. It's odd, not having to search for something in the house.

"Well, I don't really believe that." He snorts. Reaching in his back pocket he pulls out his wallet. "Call this number Monday morning and we'll get you a job set up at my company." Handing me a card, he gives me a smile as well.

"Thank you, Mr. Peeters."

"Call me Shaun."


(Amara's POV)

Pulling the tight spaghetti straps over my shoulders, I frown at my reflection in the mirror. I much rather be in my cute dress. This one may be longer but for some reason, I feel as though it shows more. My eyes can't pull away from the long slit in my dress.

"Why do I have to wear this?" I groan as I turn back to my mother, who watches me with judgement.

"Don't tell me you're serious?" She gawks at me scornfully. "Amara, you have a beautiful man downstairs, dress like it."

"What's wrong with the cute dress?" I snap back at my mother with my hands on my hips.

"Men don't care about cute, dress like an adult woman, that's what men like." 

Rolling my eyes again, I push past my mother in this long ass dress and make my way down stairs. When I reach the table, Juliette and Abel are gone.

"Where did they go?" I ask my father while pointing to the empty chairs.

"Oh, Juliette went to show him around since your mother kidnapped you."

"I'd check the top floor's balcony." Winston whispers only to me. "Juliette is a sly, devious snake Amara." He warns before walking away.

He's right and the only one that cares enough to tell me. Turning on my heels, I storm up the endless staircase as fast as I can in this impossible dress and these highs my mother forced me to wear.

(Noah/Abel's POV)

"We should probably head back down." I say as I try for the door.

"Don't be silly." She laughs and rests her hands flat on my chest. "We have plenty of time."

Forcing me to turn away from the door, a smile spreads widley on her face.

"Amara is in the house too." I hiss as I try to pry the woman off of me. "And what about your husband?"

"Ex- husband." She bites her lip. "I decided after our night of love making, I want you."

"No, there was no love making. It was a one night stand, that's all." As soon as the words left my mouth, a loud shattering sound forces me to snap my head in it's direction.

My stomach drops when I see brunette hair disappear behind the corner. Opening the sliding glass door, I step over the shattered vase on the floor.

"Why would you do that?" I asked the blonde behind me. I can only imagine how hurt Amara is right now.

"Do you what?" She bats her eyes at me with an evil grin.

"You knew she was there."

"Oh, that." She shrugs. "Come on Abel, look at you and then look at her." Her hands clasp together. "You said it yourself, she's not your type."

I want to hit something but instead, I ignore her and march downstairs.

"Amara!" I call out to her just before she leaves the house.

Scoffing, she ignores me and heads out anyways.

"Amara please wait." I run infront of her to stop her just as she exits the door. "Let me expla-."

"No." She growls, baring teeth. "It's one thing to sleep with random women but, my cousin?" Her face twist in a disgusted feature. "Get out of my way." She hikes her dress up and pushes past me.

"How are you going to get home?" I yell to her.

Holding a remote high enough for me to see, she presses a big red button and with in seconds a black Mercedes pulls right infront of her.

"Thanks Marco." She mumbles to the driver and gets in, slamming the door.

When the car takes off, I hop in mine and start to drive home. The entire time, I think about what I should say to Amara...

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