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(Noah/Abel's POV)
One week later.

For a week now, I've given Amara the cold shoulder. From ignoring her in public, to even slamming my door on her face. She just wouldn't give up. So here I am, staring down at her while she rants.

"What has been your deal lately?" She hisses as she storms in my house.

Rolling my eyes, I slam the wooden door and face her. "What are you doing here?" I growl as she marches towards me.

"Why are you being such a dick lately?" Her face turns red with anger.

For the first time, I get a good look at her face. Her green eyes are dark with frustration. They're such a beautiful green, like emeralds even. Shiny emeralds. Her high cheek bones and plump lips. Fuck, those lips. She is beautiful and this whole time I didn't see it. Other than the stitches, she has a flawless face.

"Answer me." Amara pushes me lightly.

I forgot her question, I was too caught up in her face. "I'm sorry, can you repeat it?"

Scoffing, she gives me a sarcastic grin and starts walking away.

"Amara, wait." Trying to stop, I grab on to her elbow.

"No, Abel. I get it." She yanks her arm away without turning around. "Have fun with the countless blondes you sleep with."

She thinks this is about her not being my type? No, fuck that. "It has nothing to do with that." I call out before she opens the door.

"Well whatever it is, I'm just going to 'fuck off.' for a while." She throws my words back in my face.

Swinging my door wide open, she leaves, slamming it behind her. I really fucked this up didn't I, I'm not even sure what it is I fucked up, but I did it. If this relationship is so fake, why does the break up fell real? I'm not even sure we were dating, I don't even know what we were doing but she never answered if she'd be my girlfriend.

I could go after her. Rubbing my chin, I think about it. She might forgive me, probably not but hey it's worth a shot.

Running out my door, I spot her talking to someone in the rain. Stopping in my tracks, I wait to find out who it is. When he looks up, I grit my teeth and clench my fist.

I hate this guy more than I hate Matt. The blonde embraces Amara in a tight hug and mumbles something in her ear. Pushing him away, she glares at him. When she pushes him again, he gets frustrated and grabs her face. Narrowing my eyes, I debate if I should intervene. Before I can, she bites down on his hand. When Erick yanks his hand away,  he glares at her and rubs his wound.

Shoving a finger in her face, he starts talking louder. Without hesitation and with a straight face. Amara places her hands on both sides of his face, brings his head down and headbutts him. She definitely doesn't need my help.

Before I turn away, he grabs on to her calf and pulls her straight down. I can clearly see her head bounce off the ground.

"Amara!" I hiss to myself.

Once Erick is back on his feet, I charge after him. When I get close enough, I jump and tackle the piece of trash to the ground.

"Of course you're here." He laughs as I wrap my hands around his jacket.

"What kind of man are you?" My tone is filled with disgust.

"Just a man." He snickers.

"I don't need your help Abel." Amara sneers once she sits up.

Looking over my shoulder, I see the blood spilling from her stitches. "Amara-."

"I. Don't. Need. Your. Help." She speaks slowly as if I didn't understand her the first time.

"He's fucking trash Amara." I throw the guy on the ground and spin around on the ground to face her.

"You may not be as bad or worse than he is." She glares at me through her soaked hair. "But you aren't any better."

For some reason a lump forms in my throat as I watch her eyes water. "Amara-."

"No." She holds her hand up to stop me. "You can't do this to people, neither of you can. You can't play with people's minds." Snapping her head at the blonde now sitting up, she speaks directly to him. "You can't take your anger out on others because something didn't work out for you. You can't manipulate someone into staying with you. And you definitely can't pressure someone into doing things aren't comfortable with."

I'm not sure exactly what she meant, but I took it the way I did. Turning to face, I punch him square in the face, knocking him back to the ground.

"Abel!" She snaps.

"He pressured you."

Looking at me with both brows raised, she throws her hands in the air. "What the fuck?"


"You don't hit people."

"He hit you first, I was hitting him for you." I say nonchalantly.

Suddenly freezing, the color drains from her face. Gripping the grass on the ground, she pulls it from it's roots and throws it. I over stepped and said the wrong thing, God that was stupid of me. Why did I say that?

"You told him I hit you?" Erick snaps beside me.

"No, I didn't say anything." She hisses back.

"Have you?" I ask him.

When there's only silence, I know the answer. Taking a moment, I imagine an afraid, beaten Amara. It sickens me. Feeling the rage surge inside me like a volt of electricity, I twist around and cuff my hands around his throat. Slamming his body to the ground, I squeeze harder.

"Abel stop!" She yells behind me. "You're going to kill him." She tugs at my shoulder. "Abel." She tugs again and again.

I watch the color changes in his face as he loses air. I've gotta say, I've missed this feeling. I stare into his eyes as the life starts to fade from them.

"Get off of him." She bites down on my wrist.

"Amara, what the fuck?" I snap as I release Erick.

Immediately, he begins to cough and gasp for air. Tending to his side, Amara pulls his head on her lap and starts combing his hair out of his face.

"It'll always be him, won't it?" I eye her.

Raising her head, the tears start to fall. "I think you should go." Her bottom lips quivers.

I reach out to her and she backs away like she's frightened. "I'm not going to hurt you Amara."

Her green eyes flicker to my hands and back to my face. Her eyes are so bright when she cries, I hate to say it but she looks beautiful after she cries. I'm not saying that in a psychopath way, I've just never seen eyes like hers.

"Please go." When her voice cracks, my heart drops.

Twice, I've made her cry twice and I fucking hate it. God, do I hate it. I never knew I could feel like this.

"Now that you're fine, you can fucking leave too." She shoves Erick's head off her lap and stands up.

"Let me drive you to the hospital Amara, you hit your head pretty hard." I stand up quickly when I notice the blood is still dropping from her stitches.

"I don't want your help, nor do I need it." Without looking at me she goes to walk away.

Dangerous Temptations™️(18+) Completed #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now