valuable information.

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Sitting alone at the bar, Amara shrugs off any guy who comes within five feet of her. She has no patience for men right now, getting out of a five month abusive relationship can do that to someone. It's crazy, in such a short period of time someone can make someone else feel so small and trapped.

Rolling her eyes, throwing her head back, Amara squints her eyes at the harsh taste. The hot, spicy feeling travels down to her stomach.

Tonight, she drinks her past away. Throwing back another shot she feels someone watching her.

"Can I help you?" She raises one brow as she speaks harshly to the man she met outside.

With a blank expression, he sits next to her. "Can I buy you a drink?"

Scoffing, Amara sets her shit glass down and turns her whole body to face him. "No, you can't. Thanks for the offer though." Giving him a tight smile, she quickly drops it as she gathers her purse and phone.

In a panic to stop her, he quickly grabs her elbow. "Hey, wait."

Slowly looking down at his hand then back up to his, she yanks her arm away aggressively. "Don't, touch." Her words came out calmly but was laced with threats.

"Just let me buy you a drink." Abel's arms fall to side as he eyes her. Already, this woman is making his job difficult. Why can't she be the easy type, by now he's already got most of them in love with him. And he had to do was talk to them!

"I don't want you to buy me a drink, okay?!" Pushing past the large mass of sweaty bodies, Amara leaves the man alone at the bar. "Hey Don?" She taps on her friend's shoulder once she reaches him.

"Hey." The man with black curly hair turns to his friend.

From the look on his face, Amara can tell something is wrong.

"Did Carrie not show?" She lays her hand gently on his shoulder to comfort him.

"Nope." He shrugs.

"Aw, Donny. I'm sorry." Standing on her tiptoes, she wraps her arms around him and holds him for a second. "It'll be okay." She cooes as she pats his back.

"How many drinks have you had?" Don laughs. "You never hug anyone unless you're drunk off your ass."

Letting him, she shrugs. "Felt like you needed it."

"I'm going to call Carrie and see what's up." The tall, lanky guy pulls his phone out.

"Don, she obviously isn't coming. Why don't you just call it quits? All she's been doing is playing with your emotions." Amara throws her purse over her shoulder as she raises her free hand in the air.

"It's complicated."

Staring hard at him, she lets it go. "Okay."

"I'll be right back."

Sighing as her friend and ride walk away, she sits on the bench and pulls out a cigarette.

"Smoking again?"

"Being nosey much?" The brunette scoffs as she lights her cigarette.

"What's with you?" Abel scoffs back as he shakes his head full of brown locks.

"What's with you? Why do you keep finding ways to talk to me?" The small woman on the bench gives him a scornful look as she flicks her ashes.

"Finding ways to talk to you." He laughs deeply. "I was just trying to be nice, you looked like someone worth talking to."

Meeting his eyes in surprise, Amara quickly shakes it off. "Yeah? Well you're barking up the wrong tree."

Leaning against the post outside, Abel smiles down at her. "Just one drink?"

Giving up, she looks at him once again. "Fine, one drinks." She shrugs.

"You said, drinks." He points out as she stands up.

"Yeah." She smirks slyly. "I'll decide when I've had my one drink."

As she walks infront of him, he smiles and shakes his head. This may be difficult but at least it'll be fun.


"One, two, three!" The bartender counts loudly as everyone watches in the bar.

Amara and Abel are throwing back, shot after shot. This is round three, and she's already got more down than him. By this time, she's already plastered but still going. She'll be damned if she loses her streak to the new guy.

"Had enough?" She smirks with a raised brow.

Sliding his glass to the bartender, Abel smiles, showing off his pearly whites. "Only if you've had enough."

"I think I could go for a normal drink. I've had enough shots." Turning her attention to the bartender she zones out everyone else.

Abel takes this opportunity to scan their surroundings. Everyone is scattering off back to their groups, except a man with black curly hair. Narrowing his icy blue eyes, Abel watches him closely. The man taps on Amara's shoulder to get her attention.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I've gotta go by Carrie's. Do you want to come?"

Amara's eyes narrow slightly before shaking her head. "No, I'm alright. Just swing by and pick me after you leave her place."

Nodding his head, the guy takes off. Not without giving Abel a glance on his way out.

Pulling out her phone, the small brunette dials the cheapest cab company she can call.

"What are you doing?" The new guy raises a brow.

Shrugging, she answers him. "Calling a cab."

"He agreed to picking you up."

"Yes he did. I remember, I was there."

"I could give you lift if you like."

"No, thanks I'm okay."


Pulling her keys out of her purse, Amara doesn't see the man standing at her door step. With her head down while she picks at the correct key, she bumps into him.

With an angry expression, she meets the man's eyes. "What the fuck are you doing here?" She hisses like a feral cat.

The average height man crosses his arms over his chest. "I came here to see you."

Rubbing her forehead, Amara groans in disgust. "Erick, I'm not interested, okay?" She tries to push past him but he won't budge. "Move." She snarls, barring her teeth.

Reaching for her face, Erick outstretches his hand, only for her to smack it away.

"Don't you fucking touch me." She pulls herself away, until she's a safe distance from him. "Don will be home soon, so you should leave."

Chuckling, Erick throws his hand in his thin blonde hair. "So you're still living with him?"

Ignoring his stupid question, Amara tries for the door again. When she doesn't reply, he quickly grabs her face.

"Answer me when I ask you a question." His voice turned harsh and vicious as he pinches her face.

Using all her strength, she raises her leg and pushes hard against him chest. Causing him to let her go.

"Leave now." She dusts herself off while her chest heaves up and down from panic. "Now." She growls.

Grunting, he glares at get with anger. "Whatever Amara, you know if you weren't such a bitch I would of been nicer." With that he hops in his car and leaves.

Dangerous Temptations™️(18+) Completed #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now