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(Noah/Abel's POV)
Side note: Matt is Brandon's real name. 

"This man is with me." Shaun motions towards me with his thumb. "He saved my babygirl's life, he deserves to see her."

Eyeing him cooly, I watch as he leads me to Amara's room. There awaits the small brunette talking to a taller one. From the looks on their faces, they're at a disagreement about something. Crossing her arms over her chest, Amara meets my gaze.

"I have company, can you go?" She sneers at the woman across from her.

"I'll see you later. Wash up when you can, you look filthy." The woman holds her head high as she passes me.

"Who was that?" I cock a brow as I sit across from Amara.

"My mother." She rolls her eyes as she sits up straight.

Without really thinking, I stand up and sit on the bed next to her. Cautiously, I reach up and tuck her hair out of her face.

"What happened to the guy that broke in?" She knots her brows together, the water already forming in her eyes. Deep down she already knows what happened.

I could tell her right now and she could use my shoulder to cry on. It's just... Looking at her face, I can't. She looks like she's been crying enough as it is.

"He wasn't there when I found you." I rub her left cheek as I look in her eyes. "Do you know what he wanted?"

"A flash drive?" She rubs her head in confusion.

"What all do you remember?" I scoot closer to her.

"I came in and he was in Donny's room. I stabbed him with a pencil to get away and he caught up with me." Amara's tone is flat and emotionless. Of course she doesn't want to be vulnerable around me.

I should of accepted your help." She sighs as she gives me a fake smile.

Rubbing my thumb against her thick bottom lip, I stare at the soft, pink flesh. I run my thumb lightly over the cut in the middle of her lip. When she winces in pain, I pull away.

Flickering my eyes up to meet hers, she's giving me a shocked looked. I'm a bit shocked myself, I'm not sure what I just did.

"I'm sorry." I muttered as I go to stand.

"Are you leaving?" Amara raises from the hospital bed when I do.

"I might go get a coffee but, no I'm not leaving." I pat her head and walk out the door.

"Abel." A voice calls out to me before I can turn a corner.

Sighing to myself I turn around to face the person who called out to me.

"Shaun." I smile as I clasps my hands together.

"Can I talk to you?" He raises a gray brow as he wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"I suppose so." I shrug as we walk on.

"You saved my daughter today, my only daughter. She is my treasure and you kept her safe."

His words are more literal than he's letting on. Using his own daughter to make a big buck, what kind of man does that? Now that I'm thinking about, I guess I am that kind of man. I use women to make money but, it's not like that.

"I owe you Abel, anything you want."

"I don't want anything." I look him dead in the eye before pulling away from his arm.

"We all want something." He smirks.

"Not me. I don't need a prize to save an innocent woman's life."

Looking a bit proud of me, Shaun smiles and turns to walk away. "I like you Abel, you're one of the good ones. Not like that Erick." His face twist in disgust.

"About that Erick guy." I snap and point to him. "What's the deal with him? Why is he always around?"

Shaking his brunette haired head, he grunts. "He's been around since she was sixteen, I doubt he'll go away without a fight."

"What did he do?"

"That's not for me to tell, that's up to her. I doubt she'll tell you." Shaun huffs as he dips his hands in his pockets.

"I get what he is like, but I don't know what he did to her."

"If I being honest." Shaun grunts. "None of know exactly what he did, we just know some small things."

"She doesn't tell me anything." I say as I throw my arms in air.

"Would you want to tell someone you like something that makes you feel small and week?" He offers me a sad smile. "When you like someone, you want them to see you as a strong person. Amara would rather die than admit she feels weak when it comes to him."

Maybe she isn't so weak like he thinks she is. I witnessed her headbutt the prick.

"Just. Don't turn out to be like him."

I'm way past being like him, I'm worse. I use women to get what I want and when I'm done I toss them out. I've killed women, I've fought women. I'm no better than Erick.

"I don't think that'll be an issue." I turn back to go get coffee. "I've got to go get her some coffee, she's a grouch without it." 

Nodding his head, Shaun gives me a smile before disappearing in Amara's hospital room. I guess I do know some things about her after all. Just not the right stuff, simple things like how she likes her coffee.

Finally finding the small cafeteria, I stop at the coffee machine. Pouring the hot liquid in two separate cups, I clasps a lid on mine and dump in sugar and creamer in hers. I don't know why I made her one, she didn't ask me to or say she wants one.

"Hey, 'Abel'." A voice that I loathed sounded behind me.

Turning around, I rest my arm against the counter and sigh. "What the fuck are you doing here 'Brandon', and what the fuck are you wearing?"

Out stretching his arms and checking out his doctors coat, he smirks. "Oh I forgot to tell you, I'm Amara's doctor."

This shit just keeps getting better doesn't it? I can't just have my mission can I?

"I know it's not professional but, just between you and I." He leans closer so only I can hear. "I like her so I took the spot to be her doctor. Isn't that like a fantasy for some women? Screwing their doctor if they're good looking?"

"I need to bring her coffee so I'm going to go." I give me him a dark glare before grabbing our coffees. "If you have a mind set like that when you're here, maybe this is the wrong fake job for you."

Confused, Brandon cocks a brow. "I thought you only think about women like that? I mean that's something you're known for. Always sleeping with some chick."

"She just got beat up dude." I growl with my brows knotted together. "I'm not too concerned about some weird fantasy you have planned."

Crossing his arms over his chest, he raises his chin to try to match my height. "Is it because she's not blonde?"

"What are you going in about now?"

"Amara. You don't seem to attracted to her, which is kind of odd. Considering.."

"Considering what?" I say without turning around.

"She's hot and feisty, I like em like that. Always makes the mission more enjoyable, I love the chase." I can feel his eyes on me. "You wouldn't understand because you go after easy women."

Snorting, I say one last thing before going back to Amara. "She's just some girl, Matt."

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