Meeting the Family.

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(the dress is what Amara is wearing.)

(Noah/Abel's POV)

"I can't believe you're actually going to this dinner party." Matt grunts as we enter my house.

"Was I suppose to say no?" I throw my keys on my coffee table and toss myself on the couch.

"You usually don't do shit like that."

Rubbing my beard, I shrug and look away. "This mission is different."

"Yeah, it's the mission." He scoffs as he stays at my front door. "Listen I'm going to head out, I have some shit to do."

"Bye." I wave him off before sinking deeper into my couch. 

Turning my head to look at the clock on my wall, it says 12:34 am. That mission took hours and in a few hours I have to get up and get ready for Amara's family dinner. I could just sleep here, the couch is big enough.

When my eyes flutter closed, there's a knock at my door. Squeezing my eyes tighter, I grind my teeth hoping whomever it is, leaves. Once they don't and they only knock louder, I sigh aggravatedly. Heaving my heavy body off the couch, I stomp to the door an swing it open.

"What are you doing here?" I snap.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I stare down at Amara's big chested, blonde friend.

"I was on the plane, coming home when Amara called." Mimicking my actions the blonde crosses her arms. "She said you were going with her to get family dinner."

Raising a brow, I stare at her. "Yeah, so?'

"When she said your name, a flash back hit me." Giving me an evil glare, she grunts. "You tried to hit on me one night while she was there."

"Yeah?, So?" I shrug, about to close my door.

"I'm saying this because I don't trust you. You hurt her." She jabs her long nail into my chest. "I will hurt you."

Internally, I laugh at the thought of the blonde 'hurting me'. Externally, smile down at the girl.

"I wasn't with Amara when I hit on you." I narrow my eyes as I try to check out the blonde but, I feel guilty for even thinking about it. Directing my eyes away from her, I look up to Amara's window. "I'd chose her over you any day." I smile as I watch the brunette hang a drawing on her wall.

"Normally in other situations I would mad that a guy would chose another girl over me but, Amara is amazing." She follows my eyes. "Just don't hurt her." Sighing, she looks back at me. "She's been through alot, Erick was a piece o-."

Holding my hand up, I stop her from going any further. "That's Amara's story to tell." I stare into the blonde's blue eyes.

Nodding her head, she silently agrees. "I'm gonna head home, heed my warning." She points at me before disappearing off my porch.

Heading back inside, I shut myself in my room. I need sleep if I'm going to that fucking dinner party.


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