Cold encounters.

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Keep his distance from everyone else, Noah grinds his teeth. There's nothing he hates more, than being around people. When he plays a character for a mission, pretending to care and like things is easy. The real him, couldn't give a shit less about anyone else.

But here he is, sitting at this dump of a coffee shop, watching his target like a tiger watches their prey. His head aches Everytime the old lady nags about the coffee and muffin. Watching Amara's face, he can tell she's getting fed up too.

After a few moments of the two arguing, Noah feels like he's about to flip this table and leave. Just as he's about to tell the old woman to shut her trap, a man with greyish red hair appears from the back.

"Amara, I thought we talked about this?" He turns to the short brunette who's holding an evil glare. "I think you should go home."

Scoffing, the green eyed woman throws her apron over her head and on the floor, causing her hair to flip over her face.

"I am going to go home, and I'm not coming back. I quit." She growls as she flips her hair back and storms away from the counter.

"Amara please wait." He calls after her.

Shaking her head in anger, Amara stops in her tracks. From the corner of her eye she can see Abel standing from his chair.

"If I may cut in." The tall man with crystal blue eyes raises a brow. "I think you're kicking the wrong person out here. Obviously this old woman here is the problem. The coffee shop was quiet before she showed up."

"That's not the point." Harry tosses the man a fake smile. "The point is, she has a duty to be respectful-."

"Respect isn't given, it's earned." Abel nears closer to the man with a dark husky voice. "As far as I'm concerned, that hag hasn't earned anything." With that, Abel storms out the door and lights a cigarette.

After a couple moments, Amara follows after. "Why would you do something like that?" She snaps as she pulls her own cigarette's out.

Rolling his eyes, Abel takes a drag of his smoke. What an ungrateful snob.

"You've got issues." He glares at her. "I just tried to help you."

Getting red in the face, Amara growls. "I didn't ask for your help. If I don't ask for help, don't give it."

"Fine by me." He growls back.


Alone at the bar, Amara sips her tequila through a thin straw. She can't help but think about what Abel did for her today. The second he walked out the door, Harry banned the old hag from the shop and promised her she could have her job back if she wanted. Flicking her green eyes around the bar, she notices she's the only one in here.


The sound of her phone captures her attention. Looking down, she reads the message.

~I'm coming by the bar, I just wanna talk-Erick~.

A bit of fear and panic strike Amara in the chest. She wishes she wasn't alone. Even if she tells him not to, he wouldn't listen and she'd hear about once he got here. The only way she can deal with him right now, is completely drunk.

"Could you give me, two more of these? Thanks." Amara smiles as she throws back her first glass. Just as the second and third appear, the Bell on the door chimes. Goosebumps sworm her skin like a virus.

"Of course you'd be here." Her best friend's voice echos through the bar. "Harry called me, I'm not sure why I was his go to. But he called me." Don sits on the bar stool next to his best friend.

Shortly after, a bubbly blonde woman comes bursting through the door.

"You must be Amara." The woman gasps as she throws her arms in the air to hug the brunette.

"Carrie don't do that." Don warns his girlfriend.

Before she can wrap her arms around Amara, the small brunette clasps her hand around the other girl's wrist.

"Don't touch me." Amara snaps before getting up from her stool.

"Amara." Don calls after her.

"Please just leave me alone, okay?" The small woman scoffs as she exist the bar.

"Leaving so soon?" A chilling voice booms as she sits on the bench outside.

Peering up, she sees her abusive ex Erick. Why did he have to show up? Why can't he just leave her alone?

"What is it you want from me?" She growls as she lights a cigarette.

"Can we try again?" He asks, taking a seat next to her.

Chuckling lightly and shaking her head, she looks at him. "You can't be serious." She laughs some more.

"Why is this so funny?" He raises a brow.

"Erick, you're a dick." She puffs her cig. "You were mean, really mean. Everything that pissed you off you took out on me. Why would I want that back?" She raises a brow at her ex lover.

"I promise I'm not like that anymore Amara." The man with thin, blonde hair begs. He sounds so sincere but, she knows better.

"You've told me that before." She shakes her head before looking away.

"I didn't lose you like I did before." Erick's voice is soft and light. Raising his hand to tuck his finger under her chin, he pulls away for a second when she flinches. "I won't hurt you ever again, I swear on my life."

Cupping her face, he presses his lips against her's gently. Instantly, she forgot everything he's done for a moment.

"Amara, what the hell?" Don's voice booms from behind them.

Quickly pulling away from her ex, Amara jumps to her feet. "What are you doing out here?" She growls at her best friend.

"You're still hanging out with this guy I see." Erick growls under his breath.

"What the hell are you doing?" The man with black curly hair stomps towards his best friend. "Let's go home. You shouldn't be around him, you know that." Gently linking his arm with hers, Don tries to pull her away.

Grabbing on to her other wrist aggressively, Erick pulls her towards him. Releasing her from her best friend's hold.

"Who are you to tell her where she goes?" The blonde puffs out his chest and he pulls the small brunette behind him.

"I'm the guy that was there when you busted her face open." Don gets dangerously close to the blonde guy hiding his best friend. "Amara, I really hope you come with me. You know you shouldn't be around this guy."

Looking at both of them, she's not so sure she's brave enough to tell Erick no. She knows Don is only trying to help, but if she says no right here, right now... God save her.

"I'll be fine Don." She gives him a nervous head knod before turning away from her friend.

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