Challenge 1

852 15 0

(Challenge 1: Get close.)

Immediately slamming the door shut when Erick leaves, Amara clings tightly to the door knob. Shaking heavily from fear and anger, she huffs and locks the door. Standing tall, the brunette sighs and collects herself.

Everything is fine now, he's gone and Donnie should be home soon. Althought she's know for being a tough woman, she doesn't want to be alone in this house. Erick is crazy, she wouldn't put it past him to break in. Quickly unlocking the door, Amara throws it open and heads out. Locking it behind her.

Reaching her bike, she fumbles the chain lock nervously.

"You alright?" A very familiar voice questioned above her.

Knitting her eyebrows forward, Amara raises her head to meet those icy blue eyes.

"No actually, I'm thinking of getting a restraining order if you're going to keep following me." She narrows her green eyes as she snaps.

Chuckling sarcastically with a headshake, Abel crosses his arms. "Man, you've got some ego." Rubbing his jaw, he meets her glare. "I live right there." He turns and points to the house right next to hers.

He lives in right next to her, how could she be so bull headed.

"I'm.. sorry." Her face twist in pain, like it's hard to apologize. "I'm having a rough day."

Raising a dark brow, Abel scoffs. "Something tells me you'd snap at me either way."

Jamming the key in the lock, Amara is finding it hard to unlock her rusted chain. Growing frustrated, she ignores Abel's snide remarks. Pushing her hair out of her face, she huffs as it falls back.

Softening his glare, he examines her face. "You get in a fight with a cat or something?" Abel kneels down, reaching out he goes to touch her cheek.

Quickly clasping her hand around his wrist, she grits her teeth. "Don't."

A bit surprised, Abel pulls his hand back and sits on his rear. "Sorry, it's just. You've got a scratch on your cheek." He points to his own face.

Narrowing her eyes, she feels around. Sure enough there it is. "Yeah, my cat scratched me." She lies through her teeth.

Twisting the key roughly, it snaps in the rusted lock. In a fit of anger she defeat, she growls and punches the metal bike.

"Hey, calm down." Abel shouts as she continues to beat the bike, scraping her knuckles open.

Without thinking, he places his hands on her shoulders and pulls her away.

"I said don't touch me." Amara shouts as she pushes him away. Quickly stading to her feet, she puffs out her chest.

Doing the same, the man with dark hair and blue eyes stands, holding his hands in the air with caution. "I'm sorry." He huffs. "Can I see your hand?" He holds his out for her place her's on.

Not moving a muscle, she clenches her jaw.

"I only want to see how bad it is." He walks a bit closer to her. "Please?" He feels half the urge to just grab her hand and look, that's probably not a good idea though.

With caution, Amara holds out her busted up hand. Using his other hand, he slowly goes to move her fingers.

Out of instinct, she pulls back her hand. Only to slowly place it back when he looks at her.

"Nothing's broken." He looks back down at her fingers. "You do need to clean it up though." Releasing her hand, he looks at her house. "You should probably go take care of it. I'm gonna head home."

"Abel, was it?" She chirps up, rubbing her hands together for warmth.

"Yeah." He answers.

Looking at her house, she gets bad feeling. She kind of hopes he'll offer to hangout, just so she's not alone. Maybe she should just go to the baseball field near her house, it's not too far of a walk.

"Thanks." She mumbles before turning her back to him.

Watching her walk away, he grows curious. What's her deal? Why is she so defensive? No, it doesn't matter. He's not here for that, he's here to find the flash drive, not get into her emotional issues.

Once she disappears on the road, Abel's phone starts to ring.

"What?" He answers as he walks back to his house.

"What have you found out so far?" His boss's voice booms from the other line.

Sighing, he rolls his eyes. "She's impossible to like, at all. She has a temper problem-."

"All you need to do is get close to her Noah. You've gotten close to them all before, why can't you do this?"

"She's too shut off, not to mention she doesn't like to be touched. I seduce the women, she can't be seduced."

"Yes she can, all you need to do is find out what that is."

Easier said then done.


Throwing himself down on the bed next to the blonde woman, Abel reaches over at his side table and pulls out his cigarettes. Lighting the cigarette, he looks at the big chested blonde.

"You can leave now." He puffs the smoke out of his lungs.

"Are you serious? It's pitch black out." The blonde scoffs.

"Sounds like your problem, not mine."

"You're a dick." She growls as she gets up the bed, gathering hey clothes.

"I'm assuming you know where the door is?" He raises a brow without looking at the woman.

Giving the finger, the blonde leaves. Completely alone, Abel stands from the bed. Leans against the window, and peers out it. Something down the road catches his eye, turning his head he finds Amara back from her walk. He can't help but roll his icy blue eyes. She makes it so difficult to want to get close to her. Her attitude is too much to handle, her emotions are every where. How is he suppose to trick her if she doesn't let him in?

After a few minutes, he watches her go inside. A light flickers on upstairs, exposing her to him.

Dangerous Temptations™️(18+) Completed #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now