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Kneeling across the pavement he watches through the rain. Thunder rumbles in the background as lightening sparks up the sky. His long, dark hair stuck to his face as the droplets hit his face. Glad that it's raining so these fuckers can't see the tears fall from his eyes.

In the distance he can see a sliver of gold in the street light, panic rose inside his chest. No... They can't, they won't.

"Tell them to put the gun away." He yells at the men holding him at gun point. When they ignore him, he yells to the men across the pavement. "Don't you fucking do it. Put it away!"

The man holding the golden firearm makes eye contact with the beaten, bloody man. Smirking, he readies his weapon.

"No." Noah hisses. "No damnit!"

The second he moves his feet, one of the men near him point their gun at his head. "Move and you both get it for sure, you know what we want. Give it to us and we might spare you both."

Gritting his teeth, the muscular, toned CIA agent peers at the man through his soak hair. The rain makes it hard to see. "He does anything, I'll kill all five of you. I promise."

"Where is it?" The leader ask calmly.

When the spy doesn't reply, the leader knods to his follower. The sound of a gun fire, freezes Noah. Suddenly everything is in slow motion. Turning his head, he finds what he's been afraid would happen.

Throwing his fist on the ground, he yells loudly. "No, fuck." Looking back up to see no movement, he begins to crawl, dragging his injured leg along with him.

Dangerous Temptations™️(18+) Completed #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now