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"Don't be so nervous. You look petrified!" Niall pointed out. I had not even put on my skates and I was already shaking. Sure, taking over 14 years of dance class would make me extremely balanced and more graceful, but it seems like I was cursed with clumsiness. Beside, skates seem so ... Restricting, nothing like a ballet shoe. Hard. Sharp. Cold. Not broken in. But, I put on the skates anyway, praying to GOD that I won't harm anyone. Even on the carpeted ground I was wobbling around. 

"I've got you." Niall snaked his arm around my torso.

"Thanks." I looked at his face. His cheeks were a rosy pink from the cold and I could see his breath. Blushing, I turned my attention to the ground. As we reached the rink, my heart started beating even faster. I've only once ever been ice skating before. It didn't end well. Simon had to get ten stitches on his arm... I hope we won't have a repeat with Niall. Niall got in first, so he could lead me. 

"Don't you dance?" 

"Yeah, but I'm just clumsy at heart, I guess." He chuckled softly, taking my hand. To lead me onto the ice. I put one foot in and the next.

"I've got you." I smiled and carefully shifted my way to him. We were skating slowly, but surely. 

"No offense, babe, but your holding my hand just a tad but tight."

"Sorry!" I let go and realized that I didn't need him to balance on the ice! A glorious moment of independence... Which only lasted a couple of seconds because I felt like I could start skating faster and slipped and fell hard. On my bum. 

"Ow!" I was more embarrassed than hurt. I pushed my hands on the ice, to lift myself up off the ground, but they slipped as well and I fell back once again. Niall offered me his hand and I grabbed it, pulling myself up.

"How about you hold onto me, until you're sturdy on your feet, yeah?" I nodded, blushing. "So, when do you graduate?" 

"This Friday. Would you like to come?"

"Of course I would! I'll ask the boys if they want to tag along." He said. "If that's alright with you." He added.

"I'd love for them to come. You guys are amazingly funny! But actually, I wanted to ask you something." 

"What is it?" 

"Would you come with me to the graduation of a different school? An old ... Friend asked me to go, but I didn't want to go alone ..." 

"Sure. But why wouldn't you want to alone? I mean I'd love to go, but I'm sensing something else." Gosh. He's so sincerely concerned in me. How sweet!

"Um, I'm not really a social butterfly, and I didn't want to stay lonely for the entire night. I only know one person at that school." I said, lying through my teeth. I won't tell him ... Not yet.

"I see. Thankfully I've got all this week free." He winked. I felt really bad lying to him, but it didn't feel right to tell him just yet. 

"Yay!" By then, I had gotten more confident and graceful in skating. 

"See? We're going quite fast now." I let go of his hand and pushed myself to go faster. I skated past him to grab a couple of hockey sticks from a bin full of hockey pucks and sticks.

"Wanna play?" 

"I don't think you're too experienced for games like these." He teased.

"Remember; I'm a dancer. I catch on quickly and have great balance. I pushed my fringe out of my face. GOD, sometimes is just want to cut it off! I set the puck down and tossed the stick to him. 


"Two ..."

Three!" I shouted, racing to the puck. He got to it before I did, but I slipped it onto my stick. Skating to his goal, I prepped to pass it into the goal. I took the shot, but COMPLETELY missed. The puck hit the bar and flung off into Niall's shin. My eyes wide, I covered my mouth and raced to him.

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