Chapter 84: Lights Out Part 2

Start from the beginning

"I forgot to charge mine," she interrupted him.

He glanced up and said, "Oh, did you wanna..?"

As he offered up his phone for her to use, she shook her head, smiling, "No, I didn't mean... I was just starting a conversation. Sorry."

"Oh, my fault then," he said. He stood up and stretched out, saying, "I was just checking my emails real quick. Our floor doesn't have great signal."

"So I've noticed," she nodded. "You think you'll come back to the party later?"

"Probably," Christopher shrugged. "Depends, I guess. If I'm in the mood when the power comes back on."

Julie nodded and stood in awkwardness glancing up at him. She turned to see Skye and TJ were still standing by, except Skye was looking her way.

The two women looked away from each other. Christopher was also looking at Julie, saying, "Did you have any plans now or..?"

"Uh, not really," she answered, a little too quickly. "I mean... Isaac will be with Rylan and I think Kayli and Zoe are hanging out and, uh... Why? Did you have something in mind?"

"Well, we're on the same floor," Christopher shrugged. "I thought we could hang out and maybe talk or watch a movie or something if you're up for it."

Julie's eyes widened ever so slightly. This was it. She had reeled him in just enough and he was the one coming onto her. The door was wide open.


"Hey where have you two been?" asked Alex as he ran into Kara and Addison, who were just coming down the stairs to the first floor.

They stopped for him, towels wrapped around themselves. "We ditched the party," Kara answered.

"I knew that part," Alex sighed.

Addison shrugged, "We were bored so went upstairs. Figure out the rest on your own, buddy."

Kara giggled and the two began to walk away but Alex stopped them again, "Wait, don't go yet. I need your help."

"Ugh, no!" Kara groaned. "I wanna go swimming."

"What's this about?" Addison wondered.

"It's Mabel," Alex said.

Kara's face perked up. "Ooh," she said. "Relationship drama already. I love it."

"I'm trying to avoid that," Alex said. "She wants to know more about me. Like me me. Not celebrity me. And I want to know her more, too, but... I can't think of anything to share with her that wouldn't make her run for the hills. Help me."

Addison stood silently, concentrated, while Kara rubbed her chin and muttered, "Hmm..."

Alex watched them, waiting for something. Anything.

Just when Kara's face lit up with an epiphany, Mabel appeared beside them, spooking all three as she said, "Hey, you ready?"

When they all turned to her, she laughed.

"This weather has everyone panicking, huh," she said.

"Yup, that's it," Kara said. "Come on, babe. Good luck, Alex."

"Thanks," Alex waved lazily as Kara dragged Addison towards the pool.

"Good luck with what?" asked Mabel curiously.

"That's pretty classified," Alex said playfully.

Mabel narrowed her eyes at him and said, "Does that mean I can't cyberstalk you for the answer then?"

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