[After Story]: New Years

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((late present for Christmas and New Years💜))

Time check: 11:00 am

It was currently December 31, a day before the new year and have we done anything fun? HELL YEAH.

It has been two years since all the magic stuff happened and we've been living life to the fullest. Going to places we've never been to, trying things we've never done before.

How is everyone you ask?

"Leian! Stop daydreaming and prepare the decorations, you idiot!" Daemin called out to me as she was slicing. I snapped back from all the memories we've had and went back to work, grabbing a box labeled 'decorations' and went to the living room.

We were preparing for the new year and everyone's hyped up. "Yoongi! Stop dozing off and help me here!" I hear Daemin demand. "You can do that yourself, woman! If you're my girlfriend, don't goddamn ruin my image by needing my help." Yoongi retorted back and I swear, the ugliest snarl plastered Daemin's lips.

"Got fucking dammit, Yoongi." Daemin just sighed and continued doing her work and Yoongi chuckled a bit before standing up from the couch, hugging her from behind as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Fine, fine, what do you need help with?" Yoongi whispers in her ear as she pointed towards the sink. "Wash the dishes. I need the plates and all that." She snickered and Yoongi nodded, doing as told.

Those two became official just last year. It was pretty cute to see. Both had their pride up so high, they wouldn't even say 'I love you' to one another with eye contact.

I chuckled from the small scene and went to the hallway, grabbing a few more boxes labelled 'decorations'. "Oh, Leian, I can take some from here." Minji insisted and I smiled a bit, nodding and giving her the box. "YO JIMIN, CATCH!" She shouted as the said boy turned his head, seeing the box coming his way and my heart freaking LEAPED.

"HEY HEY, BE CAREFUL. THAT ONE HAS FRAGILE STUFF." I warned and Jimin laughed at the other side, catching the box perfectly. "Blame Minji!" I turned my head to the said girl as she sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck. "Hehee, sorry."

"My gosh, you're older than me yet you're mentality is below a sixth grader." I remarked and she huffed a bit. "No need to be that rude, I can be mature."

"Says the one who's huffing like a child."

"Damn you, Leian. Wish I didn't say I'd helped." I chuckled a bit at what she said and gave her the other boxes, to which she freaking yeeted again to another person. "YEONJO, HEADS UP!" Said girl didn't expect that to be coming her way so she ducked in attempt to dodge it but instead, Taehyung caught it, with his fist.

That's how big his hand is!

Yeonjo glanced back up at him and saw him smiling, then he looked back at Minji. "I told you to be careful!" I scolded her and she gave me a peace sign with a toothy grin. "He looks mad." I whispered in her ear as she looked at Taehyung. If eyes could kill, he'd be a serial killer.

"Be careful please." He simply said and Minji nodded, apologising before the two left. "Damn, Taehyung's gotten much more possessive now that they're together." She remarked and I simply nodded.

Yup! They're official too~

"Ah, Leian. Do you know where Yeonjo is? I need her to set the speakers up." Asked Hoseok, who stopped just beside me. "Oh, she just passed by. She's probably in the living room with Taehyung."

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