Chapter 62

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"Father, Taehyung and his friends are currently in the kingdom of water, Tubig, right now." Kai said as his father, the King, nodded. "Alright. I'm sending you both to stop them. Do not fail me or else.." He demanded as Hana and Kai nodded in agreement. "Of course father."

"Go." He demands as the two walk out of the throne room and bow before closing the doors. Both of them sighed as soon as the doors closed. "Father is very intimidating."

"No need to remind me. Taehyung's gonna get us killed if he doesn't stop this 'saving the world' nonsense."

"You know how he can act. He can't be stopped once his mind is settled on a goal. Just like father. He wouldn't even care if neither of us are hurt when doing what he asks us to do a.k.a missions." Kai nudged Hana as they walked back to their chambers. "Just like father. I miss him Kai." Hana frowns, suddenly getting memories from when the three of them played together in the fields of Hel. Hearing this made Kai frown as well. "Same..." He looked at his bracelet while Hana looked at her necklace. Both accessories made by Taehyung, their little brother.

"Come on. We need to get to Tubig so that we can convince him to stop this before we get killed by Father." Kai attempts to make his younger sister happy as she smiled and nodded.


"Is this the place?" Hana asked. "Yep. Mom's ship, Centauri, is here. Can you see who's on board?" "Only the girls. The boys are nowhere to be found."

"The kingdom must be underwater then. Taehyung's underwater spells can only work on gem bearers. Sis do your thing." Kai commanded as Hana did as said. Kai jumping in the water as his feet transformed into a tail. Hana following as the same result was given. They swam underwater and saw them right away. Kai planned to interfere but Hana stopped him. "We need a plan before we attack. My spell gave us a unique trait when we transform into..."

The Hybrids | BTS FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora