Chapter 29

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**Leian's POV**

"Leian-ssi! Wake up!" The waker woke up the demon, I'm kidding. I fluttered my eyes open to see a panicked looking Nari. I lazily sat up as Jimin, Jin and Jungkook woke up aswell. "What is it Unnie?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Wake Up! JUST WAKE UP!!" She shouted at me and grabbed my arm, I don't know why but I grabbed Jungkook's arm then he grabbed Jimin's arm then Jimin grabbed Jin's arm. Nari ran towards the rooftop and stopped as we got there. Everyone was there, and I suddenly noticed that there was water around the whole entire place. "Unnie, what happened?" I asked as Hyunmi then came up to me.

"There was a sudden flash flood. It wasn't even raining yet it still flooded." She explained. Yoongi and Daemin looked like they were seasick, for a fire bearer and a fire bearer protector, they actually were seasick. Speaking of sea, why was there even a sudden flashflood? "What's the date today Unnie?" 

"June 4" I nodded. Wow, I slept for a lot of hours. "Leian-ssi, what were you doing on the day of the fight? Which was yesterday.."

"We fought a white masked man guy but he left quickly. He summoned a lot of insects before leaving then Hoseok killed eight of them and Jimin made the insects flow away and into the ocean." I explained to Yuna with a just-woke-up-from-sleep tone. She made a 'AHA' gesture and I gave her a confused look. "Those insects may have mutated a sea animal!" I looked at her amazed. Well, like I didn't know she was a brain tech, ok? I looked around the rooftop to find a large wooden plank and luckily, I found one. I picked it up and also picked up a stick to paddle with. It would really suck if I couldn't swim. And of course, luck wasn't on my side and I couldn't swim.

"Woah! Leain, where are you going?!" Daemin shouted at me. "I'm going to find the sea monster!" I shouted back. I could hear her roll her eyes and picked up another wooden plank with Yoongi and floated behind me. They might hate water but, they still wanna save the world, they have to sacrifice theirselves. The world was never fair anyways. Jimin and Minji followed by just floating above the water with the support of Jimin's powers.

"Wait for me!" Hoseok shouted as he was desperate for helping aswell. Since he pretty much was the Lightning gem bearer he might shock himself. I pointed a large wooden plank just behind him and he grabbed it right away, together with a wide stick.

We all floated away- "Leian-ssi!," Jungkook shouted at me which made me turn to look at him snd gave him a 'what' look. "Be careful, babe..." He talk-shouted. I nodded at him while smiling before finally floating away.

Wait, did he just call me babe!? OHOHO, Someone's not getting there treatsies today!

We all floated away and into finding that sea monster.

**Jungkook's POV**

"Are you sure she won't be mad that I called Leian-ssi with... babe?" I awkwardly asked towards Yeonjo and Taehyung as they both just laughed at me pathethicly. AGH! I shouldn't have trusted them! "Yeonjo-ssi! You liar!"

"What?" She swiped a tear away with her index finger as she stopped laughing. "You said she'll like it, but she just looked annoyed or angry after I said that." I said as I pouted. "LOL, why would you even believe me Kookie? I always was a liar or a prankster anyways." Yeonjo retorted back at me and made gestures. I saw Hyunmi nodding behind her. I feel like I could pounce on her right now but, since she is Leian's friend, I'll spare her. Eunhee walked towards us as she gave us smiles.

Is it just me or have I never seen her even once? I mean like, the fact that the Old Line keeps hanging out without the maknae line. I haven't seen her. Oh wait, I think she's the chef in our hideout, together with Jin hyung? "Hey, you must be Jungkook-ssi right?" She asked as I awkwardly nodded. I swear, we haven't even talked once.

"Never trust Yeonjo-ssi, she's just a troll," Eunhee spoke as she gave a glare at Yeonjo as Yeonjo just looked away from the wrath of her Unnie's glare. "Anyways, we should hangout. I heard from Nari, you wee asking facts about Leian?" She guessed as I nodded. I have nothing else to do but nod at her 'cause I'm just an awkward potato. At least, that's what Leian always calls me. I wonder, who was Leian's admirers or if who her crush was. I wanna know her past more. TING TING! Idea.

"Hey, Eunhee-ssi, can you tell me more about Leian?" She looks at me confused. "Why'd you ask?"

"She has really weird moods. And plus, she didn't tell me anything about her or even talked to me about her thoughts. Can you just tell me some stuff anout her? Or her whole entire past?" I begged with puppy eyes -- No pun intended. She chuckled before replying.

"Are you sure we should be talking about her in a time right now?"


Leian's Backstory---


Here is the chapter that I did lazily-but-filled-with-love and worked hard on. ^3^ ^-^

Were already in 500 readers!~~~ Wowwww. THANK YOU!💕💕 I purple you all💜💜

Also, I promise to have Leian's backstory on the next chapter and the fight? But I promise!

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June 9, 2018:

500 reads~♡

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