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**Yoongi's POV**

I was at a library cafè, alone. I was mostly thinking of Daemin.

The first time we met. The first time I laid eyes on her. I knew that she was my girl.

I knew she was my lady.

I knew she was mine.

I knew, I had unkown feelings for her.

But why haven't I told her yet?

I mean, the fact that I'm still new to the human world and don't know anything like, feelings that I'm feeling when I'm around Daemin.

Before, when I still didn't have this... powers. I would mostly just hide my tinted pink cheeks when around Daemin.

And now, now that I have this powers of mine, it's a lot more harder now. The fire would go out of hand when I'm playing with it. My breath would start to go warmer and warmer and she would notice it.

Now exactly what am I doing alone in the café?

Hah! Searching about this so- called 'Love'.

"Love has no actual meaning?" I mumbled to myself as I sipped the tea. Now what logic is this? Everyone feels this yet they can't decribe a simple word?

I read the article as I sipped on my tea more afterwards.

'It is clearly seen that love has no actual meaning. What if you were asked about what love actually means. What would be your answer?

People who believe in love would usually say its a feeling of the world stopping just for your special someone but other people would say that it is a feeling of believing on something that never existed.

Most people really do have their own opinions on love. We all have our different ideas and we all go through our own paces. We'll get there!'

Love is the feeling of the world stopping just for her? Really? If so, I wanna experience this right now.

"How to express your love towards someone..." I typed in the words and already started to think of what our love team would be. Daeyoong? Yoongaemin?

Aish! Yoongi! Focus!!

I pressed on the first article I could see and started reading on it.

'If you're wondering what word it is of how to express your feelings. It's called ''Confess"'

"Confesseu?" I sipped on the tea again. My legs were crossed as I kept my eyes stuck on the screen.

'How to confess:

There's many ways really! But honestly, this depends on how you can swoon your partner over you. You need to have the moves, the right fruitful and sweet words they wanted to hear you say.

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