Chapter 51

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**Author's POV**

"Alright alright," Leian said as she stood up. "Everyone's finished eating?" She asked for reassurance and everyone gave her a thumbs up. "Well, then everyone clean up." Nari demanded as everyone did as said.

Nari and Leian waited at the Captain's deck. Leaning on the wood as they stared at Centauri. Everyone cleaning up. "Hey, Leian," Nari called. "Yeah?"

"I thought you were afraid of the dragon statue?"

"Yeah. But, I've grown over my fear." Another silence clouded over the two. It was weird since they were both close friends, and them being quiet around each other? Made them feel awkward. "What happened?"

"To what?"

"To our friendship. Were supposed to be like, the loudest duo. Even the girls hated the idea of the two of us being around each other. Now, what's happened?" Leian asked. But Nari didn't have an answer to that. They both sighed. "I think it's because of you, Leian," Nari said. Leian looked over to her with a saddened look plastered on her face. "I don't hate you, okay? In fact, I love you as my best friend! But, ever since you had this job of being the protector of the Hybrids. You've been pretty busy. And us girls that stayed here in the Centauri, we did nothing but try to have some fun. Minji and Daemin have also been pretty busy with their own jobs as protector of their specific Hybrid. We had fun here but you three were too busy. Maybe after our trip to Vlam. We should atleast... have some fun. But, if Taehyung won't let you and the others have fun. I won't force you too." Nari explained. Leian realizing that she was getting pretty busy with this job and that she was starting to get tired of it. She wanted to end this so that she could be back home. Back with her friends having fun and hanging out as normal humans. Not some Hybrid protectors.

But she couldn't. This was her fate after all. She wasn't the one who could choose her own future, not anyone. But, I guess X had to ruin her normal happy life in Earth. Leian sighed. "I guess your right. I'll... we'll have a day off after the trip to Vlam. Have some fun." Leian smiled at Nari. A smile out of pure happiness. A smile that had rarely plastered on her face out of happiness. She missed this feeling.

Nari smiled back at her. Hugging her right after. "We'll do some Earthly fun." Leian said, hugging Nari back. "Alright, let's make the trip to Vlam quick so we can have some fun already." Leian teased as Nari laughed.

Taehyunt and Jungkook then walked to their places as Taehyung raised the longhituds [A/N I found out it's actually not magnitude😂] as Jungkook steered while Hyunmi lead him.


They arrived in Vlam. And may I just say that this wasn't a place someone would want to live in. The skies had changed into maroon. The grass in a bright orange, flares of fire when in touch. So, they had to use some kind of protection for their feet.

Yoongi walked out of the Centauri and walked in the lands of the kingdom of Vlam. Daemin trailed behind him, loving how the warm heat of the grass touched Daemin's shoes. "Is it okay to walk on?" Jimin asked, scared he might burn. Being the bearer of the water gem, he was scared of the flames. Jimin and Yoongi even had small arguments. Naturally because of their gems. "I'd be burning if it wasn't okay to walk on." Yoongi responded logically. "I think it's fine." Hoseok walked on the grass and made a bloody scream as he touched the grass. Jumping right into the angel's arms. Hoseok smiled, embarassed to land on the angel's arms. Jungkook let him stand up as Jimin glared at Yoongi. "You lied."

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