Chapter 49

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Taehyung said. Jungkook looking pretty shocked. "That quick? We just passed the kingdom of Lucht, Taehyung."

"My father, King of Hel, would think we would go to another easy kingdom. So, let's just go to Vlam."

"Which kingdom is that?" Yoongi asked curiously. Taehyung turning his head towards Yoongi with a blank expression. "It's yours, sir. Kingdom of Fire/Flames." [A/N Lol. Agust D played xD]

Now everyone knew why Jungkook looked pretty shock. From Lucht to Vlam? Seems unfair. . . "Alright then. Let's get going."

"No. Were staying for the night. It would be dangerous if we went to Vlam at night, the flames would be strong and wild. The flares might reach the Centauri and burn the Centauri. And we don't want that happening." Yoongi covered his mouth as his cheeks were now tinted red. How the heck did he know so much info about Vlam? He went to the CB and shut the door behind him in embarassment. Everyone gave the door -- what Yoongi just shut -- a smirk. Weird people.

"Alright. Everyone let's all go to sleep. Since there's not that much room in the CB. We'll have all the girls and Tae and Jungkook in the CB. As for the other boys... mianhe." Leian apologized with a sincere smile and a small bow. Making everyone chuckle at her adorable nature. "Right. Right. Right. NIGHT!~" Leian greeted as she went inside the CB and it had some little... errors to let Yoongi leave. All the other girls following Leian as Taehyung got some pillows and blankets from the CB to share with the boys sleeping on the captain's deck/outside the CB.

Yoongi quickly grabbing one blanket and pillow of his own swiftly. But not all of them were provided so Jimin and Hoseok were kind enough to share with Namjoon and Jin. "Night, everyone." Namjoon greeted. "NIGHT~" The other boys replied as they all went to sleep.

**Yuna's POV**

Sure we slept in the CB but it wasn't comfortable. It was very crowded but we all got a space for ourselves. The bed was nearly as big as the room itself anyways. But, no. I didn't like it there Daemin kept snoring, I didn't even know that she would snore when she was sleeping. I couldn't help but walk out of the CB. Too much snores, and sleeping bodies. I closed the door quietly behind me and walked towards the Centauri's front deck. Everyone was already sleeping so I had to tip-toe towards their. As soon as I got there, I leaned on the rails and looked up at the starry night thinking: How did I get to this kind of situation?

All I ever did was meet them and lead them to their hotel. From Earth to Vrede? How?


"Why are you still awake?" A voice asked. Making me jump and turn towards the voice. It was just Hoseok. "The CB was too crowded and Daemin kept snoring." I shrugged. "Really? Namjoon kept snoring too." He says, chuckling looking up at the starry sky. Silence clouded over us in seconds but no awkwardness was intended in this kind of silence. It was actually a pleasant kind of silence. Hoseok and I eventually looked up at the sky whole hearted-ly. "Sometimes, I wonder how I get into these kinds of situations." I say, breaking the silence that clouded over us after minutes have passed. Hoseok turned his head to look at me as I stare towards the view in front of me. The dark forest was lighted up by the flowers that seemed to glow. Flares of yellow dust floating around it. It looked like Seoul's city lights view from a skyscraper but when your on the ground. "Me too. It would be impossible for this to be a coincidence. Plus, Taehyung and Jungkook have known that they would be gem bearers but not a specific gem."

"They knew?"

"Yeah. They knew even before the first gem bearer was announced to be Yoongi hyung. Well, not announced but you know what I mean." He shrugs. "Something's bothering me more than it's supposed to be." I say my thoughts out loud. Covering my mouth directly as I just realized what I had said. Hoseok softly laughing at me. But I knew he was holding it in. "It's okay. You can tell me."

"I, uh, feel like I'm bringing the team down. I'm supposed to guard and protect the Hybrid's Protector but I'm not even protecting her. I'm just standing there, watching her fight with all of you. And now, she's telling me to stay here, in Centauri, to protect Nari, Yeonjo, Eunhee, and Hyunmi." I explained, frowning as I leaned back on the railings and looked back up at the starry night. Another sigh escapes my lips as my chin lies down on my hands. "I-" Hoseok clears his throat. "I think she's doing it for your safety," His eyes glimmer as the moonlight shines upon it.

"Do you have any skills..? No offense."

"None taken. All I can do is cast counter spells. Like turning you guys back into animals. Like those kinds of spells." I say, moving my shoulders from up and down [A/N If you thought of EXID... I sarang you~]  once. Looking to my side I see Hoseok shivering. Now, I realized that it was kind of like killing him from his human body and turning him into an animal. "N-No! I didn't mean that! It was just an example." I stutter, reassuring him quickly. He calms down. "Well, if there was a spell casted on any of us. You could be of help. And since... you can't do anything else..."

"I-It's fine." I truly was fine. I'd call myself amazing if I had a counter spells kind of power, then, I was amazed of myself. "I'd say you are a lot of help, Yuna. You give comfort to almost anyone around you and I feel warm around you. Like a fire. Don't feel down." He smiles, followed by a long yawn. Followed by me doing it. "We should get to sleep." He suggests as I nod.

Walking towards the CB as Hoseok went to lie down beside Jin. "Night, Yuna."

"Night." I say back to him as he lies his head on the pillow. As soon his head was in touch of the pillow, his eyes had already shut. Sleeping off to Dreamland. His image somehow made me smile. I close the door behind me and went to sleep beside fluffy Yeonjo. She somehow feels fluffy and I don't know why.

Then, I went to sleep.

--Chapter 49--

Here is an update since next week is our 2nd Periodical Exam. Hail Holy Mary, please pray for me to pass the test.

Anyways, so wish me luck, I guess?

Thank you for supporting me until now my dear Bangtaners! Also, I'm planning to change my username into the original once again 'cuz, originals are better. Am I right? And plus, TanTan is a freaking online dating app. BLEGH!

So yeah. Just wanted to say.

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