Chapter 18

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**Jungkook's POV**

We were going back home from the way to the bus. Yup, we didn't go to the mall. We were about to arrive in the bus station but the lazy bum he is, Taehyung wanted to go back here. And we did. "Now how are we gonna get to the mall? Without walking?" I asked and all I got for reply was everyone gesturing that they didn't know. "We could borrow some bikes in the park"

"The park's twenty miles away from here Hyunmi unnie." Yeonjo and Minji exclaimed. Then we all sighed and went for the door.

BOOM!! BOOM!! [Tell me if you see some KPOP references😂]

"What was that!?" I asked as I looked at the back as soon as I heard the explosion but they shook their heads. I sniffed the air and could smell some fire was nearby. I quickly got in the car and checked the news.

"Dragon of a snake body with claws of a t-rex and wings of a dragon. Is attacking the mall with small tornados that has hazards that could kill a whole entire dozens of people!" The reporter coughs and fans away the smell. "Please send help!!" Then it went static. OH NO. A door bursts open and it sounded like it was in the hall. Everyone in the hous was panicked but not too panicked that they go run around and go crazy. Yoongi came in the living room with red-orange like eyes and fire burning in his palms. "I heard an explosion. What happened?" He sounded cool but at the same time he sounds like he wants to kill someone. "The mall! It's attacked!" Yeonjo said in a worry tone. Why? I mean like it's a bad thing that the mall is attacked but- OH! LEIAN!! LEIAN-SSI! "Oh, well let's go there then." Yoongi hyung started walking towards the door but was stopped by Daemin. "I can't let you go there without any security! YOU NEED ME."

"How can you help?"

"You never know! I'm sure I'll find a way to help you."

I pushed them towards the door and everyone followed behind. I shut the door of the house and we all stopped and looked at each other awkwardly while Yoongi was just having his hands in his jean's pockets and blowed a bubblegum. How did he even have that bubblegum? "What are we gonna use to get there?" Taehyung asked. Breaking the awkward silence that was surrounding us.  Then Yoongi bursted his bubble gum purposely and we all looked at him. "You guys know how to skateboard right? I have exactly 7 for the boys but you never did use it so I hid it."

He opened the garage's door (Yeah, Leian's hideout is huge) and grabbed 4 skateboards. Yoongi handed Jimin and me a red skateboard and for Taehyung he gave a black skateboard and one for himself. Everyone jumped on their skateboard and their 'girls' hugged behind them and while I'm over here. Alone. Without Leian. Ok, come on! Let's go save Leian, Yuna and company! Yoongi went first and lead us to the mall. After a few minutes of skating, we arrived at the burning mall. "Leian..." I mumbled to myself. Yoongi's eyes were already red-orange and fire was already in his palms. He agreed to let Daemin come with him since she wouldn't stop.

I hope they'll be fine. Yuna, Leian, Hyunmi, Minji, Jimin, Namjoon, Daemin and Yoongi will all be fine.

**Leian's POV**
I could already see that a small tornado was gonna come our way so I pushed everyone to move quickly out of the mall. They were almost out but stopped when Yuna and Hyunmi turned around to me. "Are you gonna be okay?" They asked as they held my shoulder. I nodded in reply "Yuna, Hyunmi. We need to go. I'm sure Leian will take care of this." Namjoon exclaimed and the girls nodded. Then they walked out the mall. I searched through my pockets and found my trusty pocket-knife. Yoongi and Daemin arrived just behind me as I was about to tranform it into a sword "What's the weakness?" Yoongi asked and I thought for a good second but nothing was present in my head then Daemin spoke "It's mouth. Cover it's mouth and then kill it so it can't harm you or anyone." Daemin clicked her tongue. I nodded and gestured for them to go do the plan while I transform this pocket-knife. I held it infront of me and then it transformed into one. It tied my hair into a high ponytail and my arms were now covered with a purple cloth. I opened my eyes and could see in the reflection of the sword that a tornado was coming my way. I turned around and sliced it. I didn't know I could slice air. Anyways, I ran towards Yoongi and Daemin.

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