Chapter 59

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~The next morning~

Today was the day they planned to dethrone the king. But, they weren't really looking forward to it, so they just act like it was a normal day in their lives. Ignoring the fact that they were in another dimension, it was pretty much a normal day. "Yoongi-ah, Taehyung-ah, go buy some vegetables or something. Isokai will come with you." Jin commanded as Yoongi whines and grunts. "Hyung! Why me!? You know Taehyung can go alone with Isokai by his side to lead him. He'll be fine!"

"Just do as I say Yoongi!"

"Fine. Taehyung-ah! Isokai! Come on." He calls as the two boys come running to him. Taehyung rubbing his eyes from newly waking up and Isokai yawning as he had also newly woke up. "Where are we going?" Taehyung asks with a innocent tone. "Were buying some food. Isokai please lead us."

"WOH! Yoongi-hyung begged?" Taehyung teases with a boxy smile, poking Yoongi's chubby cheeks. "Shut up will you?" Yoongi flicks Taehyung's hand away. "You always kill the fun." Taehyung frowns. As they walk through the street in the morning, Isokai leading them, a stranger bumps into Yoongi. Taehyung immediately switches his position with Yoongi's so that Yoongi's identity will be unknown. He's just being protective. "YAH! Watch where your going boy! Jeez, your being ignorant aren't you?"

"We apologise." Taehyung bows. But that didn't satisfy the man and pushed Taehyung hardly. "How about I teach you a lesson, little boy?" This man is drunk. His breath smells bad. Yoongi looks over at Isokai, curious to why he still isn't doing anything to stop this stranger from hurting Taehyung. "Isokai, aren't you gonna stop him!?"

"There's a rule that says we can't hurt Aardeians or each other." He replies, helplessly watching the fight. The man was starting to punch Taehyung. One punch had knocked Taehyung a little bit off balance. "TAEHYUNG! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!? FIGHT BACK!"

"I'm not doing that!"

"Why not!?"

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