Chapter 24

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**Jimin's POV**

"I actually can't believe it! Leian agreed to hangout with us for the day!" I shouted as Minji, Taehyung and I were clapping our hands like crazy seals as if Minji just newly won an international award. Leian just ignores the four of us since we were like this for the whole ride. 

Yup, were still in the van. I'm starting to think, were never gonna get there. Probably even encounter a freaking monster or that Hana girl again. We cheer again and again and again and now Jungkook joined in!

"Can you guys keep it down!? My ears are gonna bleed." Leian warned as we just ignored her.

-40 Minutes Later-

"We have arrived!" 

"FINALLY~ About time!" Leian said as she went out the van quickly as she was getting annoyed. She's just jealous, were having more fun than her. Plus, can't she at least smile once? The last time I saw her smile was when we were practicing  for a choreogoraphy.

Jungkook quickly trailed behind her and we trailed behind him. As soon as we got out of the van, Leian walked right into the building with Jungkook by her side but the six of us? Nope, we stopped right in front of it, while looking up on the huge building upon us.

Now tell me if she has siblings ok? Tell me if she has one, and if she does, what business do they have? No offense Leian, but you're kind of a spoiled brat, but in a very good way since you're using it for kindness.

"She's such a spoiled brat but in a very good way." Nari spoke as she read out my thoughts. We all nodded simultaneously at Nari's statement. 

"Yah, are you gonna come in or not?" Leian called as we looked at her and nodded. As we all walked towards the building, the building itself looked like it was gonna fall on top of us. 

I shivered at the thought of getting squished by this super duper huge building.

"Hello miss~, do you wanna reserve a studio for tomorrow?" The Lady behind the counter said as she gave us all sweet smiles. The lady then scanned Leian's face as Leian just gave a sweet fake smile."Oh! You're her daughter, your dance studio room is in Room 213. Please do not mind that their is also someone there. He also reserved that room and there was no other room unoccupied so, is it okay if you guys stay there?" The Lady smiled sheepishly. Leian nodded politely and gave her another smile (Though this one is more real) then the Lady nodded and gestured for us to walk to Room 213.

**Leian's POV**

We walked towards Room 213 as it was just up ahead. I already heard music out the door so I opened the door slightly and popped my head in to peek. Only to see-

"Lee Junghyun," Minji spoke as she also popped her head above mine. Everyone popped in their head as soon as they heard Minji say his name. We walked towards him as the girls quickly walked over to him, sided by the boys.

"Hello, the beautiful Minjae," He bowed at Minjae. And I swear, I could hear Jimin growling. "The Youthful and always cheerful Nari, The princess Yeonjo," He made a bow to the girls and, I freaking swear, I could hear the three boys, growl. Annoyed by him to my guess.

He walked towards me and took me by shock, the next move he did. "Of course, Shin Leian, I'm Lee Junghyun-"

"I know." I cut him off as he bowed and grabbed my hand and kissed it gently. I yanked my hand away from him. I mean like, I did that on behalf that a new guy kisses my hand by sudden and the other half, Jungkook was growling aswell.

He nodded awkwardly and at the same time confused. "Don't get your hopes up on me, I don't believe in love," I said as I warned Junghyun. They waited for me to continue. "Love is just a word to me. An empty, hollow, meaningless word, to me." I smiled innocently and gestured for Nari to put the speakers down and she confusingly did as told, I plugged my phone and turned on the music.

"Waiting for you Anpanman~" The music started. "You guys know the choreo to this right?" I asked as I made a superhero gesture.

They all gave me a smile and nodded.

"Since Minji and Jimin did kind of have a terrible future on her introduce party, I thought, what about we do a flashmob? Everyone can join in it and get a free picture from Minji and Jimin. Sounds good?" They shouted a 'Yes Ma'am' and saluted me. Which led me to a small laugh.

-50 Minutes Later-

"Lemme say 'All the bad men cop out' Oh whoa~" It ended and loud breathing could be heard -- excluding Yeonjo and Junghyun, 'cause they said they were tired.

The first line of the song was heard again, a sign that we could finally sit! We sat down with a loud thump on the hard wooden floor. The two gave all of us cold waters and I just drank it in one try.

Gotta say, I was very thirsty. "Oh god, I forgot to bring extra clothes." Nari spoke as she facepalmed herself and catched up with her breath. "We aren't that drenched with sweat--." I cut myself off as I looked around the people around me that were clearly drenched with sweat.

Nevermind, they were drenched. I walk towards Jungkook as I tried fanning him with my hand as the others did the same, since, they didn't know what to do to other than to fan them.

He was panting so hard that he was at the point of putting his tounge out like a dog. Well duh, Leian, he's a past puppy. I thought.

I'd be lieing if I said that he didn't look hot with wet hair. Then again, my mind doesn't function in that kind of way. "Are you ok?" I asked as he nodded with an assuring smile.

I looked at his drenched body and-- MAN, that was such a big mistake. His abs was so freaking clear with the thin fabric, and I kind of regret seeing it. I cover part of his drenched body with both of my hands as Jungkook gave me a confused look. "Let's go home and change, sounds good?" They all nodded and stood up.

"Wait! Where's your effort gonna be put in?" Junghyun asked as we all stopped to look back at him. "Uh did you not listen? It's for a flash mob." I said as we all waved him goodbye.

Reviewing the condition of these boys.

Hoseok, blue, loose, thin-fabric polo.

Taehyung, over-sized, white and thin-fabric shirt.

Jimin, thick, oversized, black sweater.

Jungkook, white, thin-fabric t-shirt.

Yeah, we need to get them new clothes. Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok all have abs!.. I pushed them all to quickly walk faster, before people could take pictures of them and give us there numbers because of them.

----Chapter 24----

Wazzup~ I was watching A Wrinkle in Time yesterday and it was amazing.♡

Can't wait for June 4 (A.K.A BTS FESTA)😱😱

Please tell your feedback on how the story is going. I would love to know your thoughts.♥♥♥❤❤❤

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Next Chapter will be promised as their aftermath of their flashmob!♥♥

Again sorry for such a freaking late updates nowadays.✌✌♥♥

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