Chapter 60

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Yoongi and the King were taken to the headquarters of Isokai. Both rested in separate beds. "Are they gonna be okay?" Daemin asked, worried of her boyfriend and the King. Sure, they were planning to dethrone him but she still had humanity. The King, Seungwon, was critically injured. After Yoongi's attack? Who wouldn't be? That's not exactly what I mean. . . His wound was already healed thanks to Jimin's healing powers but, Seungwon was still coughing out black blood. "Yoongi's gonna be just fine, all he needs is rest but Seungwon... I don't know what to do with him. Yoongi hyung must have harmed him badly." Jimin frowned to the sadness of Seungwon. Until Seungwon started to shout out in pain. "Help me..!" He begged before something took over him. He started to stand up, eyes purely black with purple pupils. Claws grew and dark wings grew on his back.

"Taehyung~" He called in a much more different voice. Taehyung raised an eyebrow at him. Seungwon smiled like a devil missing his child. "Oh how great it is to see you,"
"Brother." He said. Everyone was shocked. Eyes as big as round plates. Even Taehyung was shocked, he blinked and looked away. "Oh Taehyung, are you afraid to look at your own brother?"

"Why are you here, brother?" Taehyung asked avoiding eye contact with his brother. "Oh, simple question, simple answer. To stop you from getting to Hel."

"Who ever said we were gonna go to Hel."

"A little bird told me." His brother smirked. Taehyung closed his fists to the thought of his brother possessing an innocent human. "Brother, please leave the boy alone."

"Oh, this guy?" He checked himself. "Later. But right now, I need to stop you. Now tell me, how many kingdoms have you vanquished?"

"Why would I tell you? Its not your business." Yoongi seemed to have little strength on him and saw what was happening.

That aura seems so familiar. Was it the guy who got me out of my cell back in the kingdom of Fire? I believe so..

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