Chapter 35

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WARNING: VERY VIOLENT. It even made the author cringe.

Tuesday, 8:00 am.

Right, everyone's wide awake. But, they were all doing nothing other than sitting in front of the T.V. watching movies. "I forgot why we watched this again." Daemin protested as everyone kept quiet, continuing to watch the horror movie on the T.V. that was played. Friday the 13th.

The movie is about, Jason, the killer, in which he finds himself in the camp within the dark woods -- Well, not anymore since there's a camp there. -- and as he saw one person walking towards the camp. He slices them with his axe as everyone started hiding and running away.

Yes, violent, I know. Especially, for these seven who are new to the world. But, like at the same time, they did see Leian, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jimin, Jin, Daemin and Minji fighting. So, it's even.

"To kill time." Leian replied Daemin as she was still focusing on the movie. Jason had already killed another person with the use of a metallic stick and stab it from the mouth and force it to go down it's throat.

Nari walks over the T.V. switch it to another channel and stood in front just like scolding them all. They were pretty much very serious in watching that super violent movie and no one cringed, not even a reaction. "HEY! What's the big idea?" complained Leian as she was getting into that movie. I don't want them to become psychos after watching that movie... Nari thought. But she said nothing as the doorbell rang and ran to go get the door and expecting the chef. "Your here earl-" She stops. Shocked to see that the person on the door was actually LEE JUNGHYUN instead of the chef himself. "What are you doing here?!" Nari whisper shouted at him.

"Why? Is there a problem, Noona?," He replied in a cute manner. In all seriousness, him and being all cute wasn't a good combination. "I'm kidding, my father's busy and he said that I'd be his subtitute. Since he taught me a lot of cooking from when I was still eleven years old, he told me to subtitute him. Never did I expect it to be you guys that I'd be guiding." Junghyun smirked.

"UNNE~, who's that?" Asked Daemin as she answered it derpily. Nari flicks her wrist inwards, a sign that she wants Daemin to come closer. "i DoN't wAnT tO sTaNd.." whined Daemin as Nari just eyerolled and let Eunhee come. Eunhee walks and expects Junghyun there since Nari's face was in utter panick. TELEPATHY.

"Why are you here?" Asked Eunhee swag-ily. "I-"

"He's going to guide the cookers in cooking two hundred Bao Buns." Nari spared the big mouth of Junghyun's. "Oh well, let him come in. Sorry about my unnie, Junghyun." Eunhee bowed with an apologetic smile on. Junghyun came in with an arrogant aura. . . And Nari didn't like that.

What's gotten Nari hate Junghyun?

"Why are you disliking him? You weren't like this before, when he would always arrive, you would be the cheerful girl you are."

"Something about Leian made me like that." Nari admitted witha disgust look as she looked at Junghyun doing an arrogant sitting position as some girls adored him and talked to him like he was an idol. Of course, Leian and the boys totally not judging them.

We'l take a look on their cooking and jow Junghyun will be guiding the cookers on the next update~ ♡

----Chapter 35----

I hate my lifeu~ I'm going through some kind of depression AND I HATE IT. I'm spreading way too much information, I must stop😂.

I swear, writing this with the horror movie "Friday the 13th" made me imagine the deaths. . .

I hope you guys liked this and also cringed because of such brutal deaths that made you imagine it. . . DON'T WORRY, I WAS WITH YOU THROUGH THE SUFFERINGS. So yeah, also, the last chapter was inspired by an episode from BLACKPINK HOUSE since I didn't have any ideas anymore and since that it fitted Minji and Jimin's life of being idols. And my friend noticed that. Also, that part where Eunhee was hungry with Yeonjo and Jin and Taehyung? YE~

(I AM NOW TANTANAURA717. I named myself after TanTan because, a close friend of mine --She's older than me and... taller. I feel short... -- liked calling me TanTan and I like the word aura since I LOVE fantasy and magic stuffz. If you click "HannahtheBngtn717" on my stories details, it will say user not found since I've changed into TanTanaura717. If you by chance encounter this problem, then please don't forget me and remember me. TanTanaura717, ok loves?)

TanTanaura717 (Jhope you guys like it😂)

Mistakes by:
TanTanaura717 (Sorry for all of them)

Date changed username:
July 13, 2018 HannahtheBngtn717 you shall be missed ~^~ (717 is the number to remember me)

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