Chapter 55

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Why did this have to happen?

"It's sad when the person that gave you memories, became a memory HERSELF."


Hyunmi, Nari and Yeonjo were in tears. Holding what seems to be a ripped part of a sweater. A mint sweater. "What happened, Nari?" Asked Hoseok, his hand resting on her shoulder. Nari looked depressingly at Hoseok's eyes. Leian looked at the sweater, held it and sniffed it (Weird I know).

She had realized it was someone's sweater

Her unnie's sweater.

Eunhee's sweater.

"No no no no.. what happened!?" Leian asked looking at Nari. "She-she dared to go to you guys. She said she felt like you were all in trouble. I tried to stop her but she insisted. When she stepped out of the Centauri's fire-proof protection, she melted. She tried running back here but she stopped," Nari stopped in between sobs. Wiping every tear possible. "Her last words were 'Don't tell anyone about my death'. She smiled, blew a kiss and melted completely. Turned into ashes. We wanted to get her ashes but it was too dangerous." Leian stood up looking outside the protection bubble of Centauri. Looking for the remaining ashes that Nari was talking about. "It's too late Leian! It already burned completely too." Yeonjo stopped her when she tried to go back outside the bubble again. Leian cried once more.

"NO NO! No!" She cried and dropped to her knees, crying into Yeonjo's shoulder. The boys looked at them as all the girls cried, Jin tried to hold back but couldn't take it anymore when he remembered all the good things he and Eunhee did together.

They cooked delicious food for the group.

They smiled happily as they were eating.

They laughed as Jin shared his dad jokes.

They fed each other with food alone.

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