Chapter 46

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"Alright, were landing." Taehyung says as he lowers latitude carefuly. Everyone spilling out of the CB. "FINALLY! YOONGI OPPA WAS ABOUT TO HAVE A TANTRUM." Yeonjo breathes out. Everyone staring in awe as they saw the new land.

The skies in a shade of purple, the land in a color of dark purple and the color of the leaves in the trees in a weird shade of teal. Which looks weird. The air definetely smells fresh. Beautiful jewel-like butterflies, fluttering in the fresh air.

"Everyone get off." A voice demanded. Startling everyone and getting everyone to duck. "I said get off. Not duck, stomme teven." The voice said once again.

"Durf dat niet te zeggen!" Taehyung replies. "Then get off." The voice demands again. Taehyung's weird accent is so thick that it feels like he isn't from Earth. Leian thought. "Ok, just get your powers ready guys." Leian says as every single, let's just call them Hybrid, does as said and activates it quietly. Her following her own orders by getting her sword out as well with Minji and Daemin getting their own weapons out.

"Faster snails."

"Can you fucking wait?" This time, Yoongi replies. Everyone except for the ones who didn't have powers to stay in the Centauri. Taehyung's mouth and Jungkook's mouth almost drops upon seeing her. And same did the girl. "T-Taehyung? Jungkook?" She stutters. "K-Kaya?" The two said boys say in unison. Leian flicks her wrist in a way of signing the boys, including Daemin and Minji that it was okay to not attack them. "Het spijt me van wat er eerder is gebeurd" Taehyung says, lowering his head. Kaya smiling brightly at him. "It's okay. I've somehow felt like I knew who was coming her anyway. Follow me uhhhh..." She says, looking around our grouo to find someone.

"Is anyone of you named Jin?" She asks as Jin slowly raises his hand up. Kaya nods and signals for Jin to stand beside ber. "Everyone group up, please?" She requests as they all do as said. "Trap them." She mumbles under her breath as they all were trapped in a poisonous color kind of green cage.

Everyone shocked by the event that has happened. "Sorry to betray you but," Kaya says as she ties a rope behind Jin on his wrists. "I have to this." She smirks, leaving everyone and entering the cave.

**Taehyung's POV**

"Kaya seems off." Jungkook whispers to me as I shrug. "That bitch betrayed me."

"Hyung! Don't you see somethings off with Kaya?"

"Actually yes. But that- Kaya still betrayed me!"

"Hyung..." Jungkook stares at me as a give up and agree that something was off with Kaya. I mean yeah, there was something off with her. She wasn't usually like this. It's been years yeah, but I still know how she acts like! "JIN! NOOOO!" Leian shouts too late as she sees them fly over to a tower surrounded by thorns.

"We have to get him back!"

"Leian, there you are again."

"NO, Jimin, I'm serious! We have to! The world would end if we can't get him back." She spits back. "She's right. Now let's just go into the cave and we'll find out." I interrupt as they all follow me and go inside the cave.

Leading us into a village full of people with weapons such as bows and arrows and a huge stick. The girls wearing a bear fur dress and bare-footed, the boys wearing leather shorts and not wearing anything as a top. Bare-footed as well.

All of them staring at us intensely while holding their weapons. Jungkook noticing that Leian and the others were scared and anxious. "Calm down. They won't do anything if we don't attack and panic." I mutter only for them to hear. "Jungkook," He replies with a 'Mm?'

"This is the tower they flew into right?"

"Yeah." He replies as I give him a nod. Walking in on the door but two guards stop me in doing so. "I would like to speak with Kaya."

"She is busy." Fine. I activate my powers as I move them aside but it still hadn't worked. Okay, what the actual fuck? Are they not normal or something. "Were not affected by your magic, bitch." The guard says to my face as he traps every single one of us sepearately and put us in handcuff made out of ropes.

And all I saw was black.

**Jin's POV**

"WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME!?" I shout in front of a male with a crown made out of branches and a gold coin in the middle. Supposing he's the king. This Kaya girl bowing her head infront of him. "Simple," The king says as he stands up and walks closer to me. "Your life." He continues.

Okay, now my eyes were wide for sure. "Why?" I wanted to sound brave but it came out all shaky. Well, goodbye confidence. "Well, if I slay you, I get your powers and rule over Lucht!" He laughs maniachally. Then he stops and make a hand gesture which chokes me and lifts me up in the air.

I'm dead meat.

--Chapter 46--

Things have finally worked out with a best friend of mine. But I'd be jinxing (Is that a word? xD) myself if I said this.

AND, WHAT THE HECK. Another close friend of mine pranked me back with my own prank from last year. Things best friends do to make you feel like shït. Also, I'm kind of growing a habit on using swear words on my stort a lot of times but if I say it in my A/Ns, it doesn't mean anything!

I don't mean any rudeness to it! I will always love you,

"Whenever Whatever. Forever ever ever." -Blackpink 2k18 xD (Also me xD)

-Sept. 18-

And my bestfriend's twin and I are kind of friends? I don't know but we play 'tag' a lot of times. And ye~

I'm happy me and my best friend have worked things out now. AND OH MY GWAD, 2 more days and no more Intrams😂

[If other people dont know. It's like a week (and since this year it's only 4 days) of playig games. It's mostly boring if you dont have your own game.]

I'm gonna miss my Intrams squad😭 [Sept. 21]

The Hybrids | BTS FFOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora