Chapter 41

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**Leian's POV**

I'd love to hangout with my family since were back together as much as the other guy but, I'm in a serious situation. I'M BEING BABY-ED, Babied? WHATEVER. I'M BEING BABIED AGAIN.

-Dictionary (Not real😂)-
Baby-ed or Babied
Being treated like a baby.

"I can take care of myself! Now please get out of my room and leave me with Yuna for a moment." I begged to my mom and my whole entire family as they nodded with bright smiles and left. They were also babied after a day but, they were okay because of Jimin healing whatever had to be healed in them.

"So, Yuna," I spoke up first. We haven't been talking when we switched roles. X chose me and replaced me over her as the Protector for an unknown reason. And, Yuna had my role as an invisible Guardian. But little did she know, we needed her for a reason...

Nice speech there Leian. I thought to myself.

She looked at me. "You're so quiet nowadays. What happened?"

"Nothing, I just feel so invisible." She closed her eyes and ducked her head. Hiding her eyes from me and avoiding any eye contact from me. I stood up and sat beside her, my arm over her shoulder. I'm younger than her and yet I'm suppose to be the one to cheer her up. "We will need you always. Whatever happens, you'll always be our back-up." I tried cheering her up.

"That's what I mean, Leian!," she shooted back.
"That's all I am. A back-up. An option... I wanna be more than that." She sniffled. I felt pity for her, that's what I had felt when I was in highschool. The spoiled brat in which everyone wanted to befriend for the money. "Well, your not so, cheer up. Were gonna do something fun today." I rubbed her back for comfort. Her smile slowly coming back alive from the dead.

And ten minutes later, we were told to meet up in the living room by my family. Surely, this is going to be an activity. Before, my parents always would tell us to gather up in the living room and announce to do something, like... hiking up somewhere.

Everyone was sitted in the couch as my mom and dad were standing in front of us. My two brothers and Yuna were beside me. "What are we gonna do, Eomma?" Asked Lio. "Since, we all just met today, how about we go hiking? I KNOW A GOOD PLACE!" Mom clapped her hands. "So, we should get ready. It's a long ride there and a long walk too."

"What kind of a hiking place is it?" Asked Hyunmi as she raised her hand. "Oh, also, it's not here in Korea." Mom laughed as she replied. "It's in the Philippines," Lio cheered. Gasps could be heard. My family cocked their heads to the side. "What's in the Philippines that's so scary?" Lio laughed.                  "N-Nothing... We've went there already. That's why..." I scratched my head at the back. My mom clapped her hands loudly to get our attention. "WELL THEN! Get your packages ready and we'll get going." Mom smiled. "But mom, you don't have clothes. Plus, how long are we gonna stay there?"

"Were staying there for... 3 days. And, darling, we have one mansion, Lio and Minho's house and My house were just extras. Our mansion isn't destroyed yet." Mom explained as she smiled and tapped my nose as she left out the door, everyone following. "We missed you Baby Leian." Lio and Minho hugged me and messed my hair afterwards. I waved goodbye. "Were still coming back BABY!" Minho shouted as I laughed at their attitudes. They were still the same.

When I looked back at my friends, their mouths were opened. Then they shook their heads side to side, trying to erase what just happened. Taehyung grabbed me by my arm and let me in his room. Pushing me to sit down on the bed as he sat down beside me. "I don't trust your eomma." He spoke out. "She seems... as if she has a different aura from your other family members."

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