Chapter 48

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**Jin's POV**

"Let's finish this fight." Leian said as she gave a death stare towards the King. "No! Please, I'll handle this fight myself."

"But hyung-"

"No Taehyung. I'll do it myself." I cut off Taehyung. I know it was rude but I really had to do it myself. There was something wrong with Lucht. Especially with the king. Sometimes, I steal glances from the king and talks to himself as if he has something inside him that he wants to stop and even grabs his hair. A knife arrives beside me, snapping me out from my thoughts as he wears an evil smile. "Let's see if you can dodge more." He threatens with a smirk and before I realized it, I was coughing. Leian shouting over me "ARE YOU ALRIGHT??" I nodded from a far but she still sees.

I tried flying but it lead to me still being on the ground. What the? And with that said, the king must have already used this as an advantage. Knives were now getting thrown my way as I didn't move a single muscle and closed my eyes shut. "HYUNG!" Jungkook cries. Full of concern and anxiety but when I opened my eyes, I wasn't dead yet. Though I was cornered.

The tower got quiet. The others gone from the room and the king's breath tickling my skin. Now, I realized he was super close to my face. "Uh.." I say awkwardly but he didn't flinch. "Move and your dead." He threatens as I now found out that a knife was under my throat. "I'll listen to why you want me."

"You really don't know? Or are you trying to stall..."

"I'M NOT STALLING. Why do you want me?" I ask. Putting an act as if I actually wanted to know but I really didn't care. I just nodded along but then I realized something about his throne. The longer I looked, the lesser it looked like a throne. It looked more like a tree with a golden jewel in the middle. And looking back at the king's crown, the yellow medal was a fake! The jewel was the real one. So, if this thing is manipulating this king's mind, it's worth breaking.

I form a sharp blade with the use of air and slice the crown sideways. "NOOOO!" The king cries in defeat as he fainted. After a few minutes, he wakes up. "Where am I? Who are you? What happened?" He asks, eyebrows scrunched together but probably is still in a daze. It was just an innocent boy?. . . "N-Nothing..." I say, smiling warmly at the boy. He pushes himself off of my arms and kneels infront of me. "I AM NOT A CHILD ANYMORE." He reminds me as I let out a small chuckle and nod. "I know."

"Where's dad?"

"I don't--"

"Oh right... he died." He smiles sadly, scratching the back of his head. I frown as I hear the word 'died'. So, he had to take over Lucht since his father has passed. His father's responsibility passed onto this boy. I ruffle his hair as he stares at me in confusion. "You'll lead Lucht...?" I wait for an answer of his name.


"You'll lead Lucht bravely, Tui. I know it." I warmly smile as Tui smiles back at me with sparkling eyes of hope. "Thank you for saving me, air gem bearer." He thanks me with a sincere bear hug. I hug him back warmly as the door opens. I can't believe the door is still alive after all those knives Tui threw. A man with huge white wings and another with a hoodie over his face enters the room, carrying Kaya. "She went rogue." Taehyung groans and cracks his neck as Jungkook stretches his wings. "What happened?" I ask, Tui leaving the hug.

**Taehyung's POV**

Just as Jin was having a scene with that king boy. Kaya went in the room and tried convincing us to die. Ok, that's actually stupid of her. No one would agree to dieing right? Leian gets her pocket knife as it quickly transforms to a sword. Minji had her slingshot prepared and Daemin had her fiery sword ready. Everyone's powers activated to the max. "We'll handle this." Jungkook says. "What the heck are you doing? And also, 'We'?" I ask for confimation as he nods. "Fine." I give in as he smiles cheerfully. What a child.

I guess Hemelians' mental age don't grow. A box of green mist were now surrounding us. From top, sides and bottom. WHAT THE HELL? "Keep on chatting you idiots and you'll forget the task at hand." Kaya smirks as the ceiling of this box we were trapped in started to go down. The others were safe but surely they couldn't get us out of here since all of them are trying to open it using their powers and weapons. Kaya just watching with satisfication and a smile. "Let's tense it up." Kaya snaps her finger as the ceiling goes down faster. "OH HELL NO." Jungkook cries as the ceiling smashes onto his hands. Surprisingly, Jungkook held the ceiling well. "TAEHYUNG DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO TELEPORT OUT OF HERE?"

"THAT ALONE WOULD DIG MY GRAVE FOR ME BUT I'LL TRY." I reply. I did care for Jungkook, I really did so, I'll have to try. I gestured to making a forcefield around me and Jungkook first and start chanting words for the spell to work. "Azarath.." I close my eyes shut. The way this spell could work is to imagine I could do it. "Metriun.." This time I opened my eyes. My eyes in a dark shade of purple and my fist accompanied with darker purple mist. "Tae, hurry!" Jungkook cries. "ZINTHUS!" I say the last words with my eyes shut. Everything turned quiet and before I knew it. I had already fainted because of that spell.

**Jungkook's POV**

We succesfully got out but not in good conditions for Taehyung. He had fainted because of the spell and I guess it kind of almost dug his grave for him. I glance at Kaya as her smirk had long disappeared and I seem to have found myself staring at her. She collapses to the ground. As I quickly catch her. "Jimin, could you heal Taehyung first and we'll check up on Jin hyung inside?" I asked as Jimin nodded. Being the protector herself, Leian prayed for Taehyung to be fine. And he was. "What the fuck happened?"

"You fainted because of the spell. Sorry..." I apologized but he didn't reply. No gesture of forgiving me nor words. He just carried Kaya and went inside the room.

"So yeah that's what happened." I say as we were all sitting in the decks of the Centari. Unexpectedly everyone was doing fine here. I'm shook. Kaya and the king, Tui and everyone else in the kingdom of Lucht were finally out of that spell. It actually took hours to get Jin hyung out of the crowd of Luchtians since they thanked him a lot for saving their kingdom. "Alright... We don't have much time so, Taehyung which kingdom are we going to next?" Leian asked as she stood up.


--Chapter 48--

Wattpad is glitching my story and having another copy for the original chapter! Like this:

Chapter 47
Chapter 47

Like that! No wonder when I'm editing it says '120 of 121 parts published'.

Sorry for this glitch my dear Bangtaners! I hope you guys won't experience this and if you are, I AM SINCERELY SORRY!

Also, the words like Lucht, Vrede, Hemel, and Hel were inspired by T7W (Not my story obviously xD) please do not hate me for copying some content! I sincerely apologize.

Oh holy shiteu xD I used some Teen Titans shit right there xD

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