Interview with @I_Wish_I_Was_A_Human

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 I'm Touring With Who


Genre: Fan Fiction; Humor

Summary: Hi, My name is Alex Mercedes! I used to be normal, but now I am performing at sold out concerts, touring the world, selling albums by the thousands, and still remain grounded. I got my best friend touring with me for the summer, Clare. She is so nice and funny. I couldn’t live without her. Anyway, one day I get a call from management telling me who that I am going to go on tour with One Direction. I had no clue who they were until I heard them sing one of my favorite songs, What Makes You Beautiful. They became my best friends in no time.... or maybe something more.

What Readers Think About It:

@elenaxxxx: I'm like addicted to your story, you're a really good writer! I'm sure your next chapter will be awesome.

@LaraBarros:@I_Wish_I_Was_A_Human Girl you’re gooood. I’m loving your storie!!!! :D

@Jewlez: Hey Sara-Boo Mazu guess who? Haha that rhymed! Anywho I finally got around to reading your story and it’s so funny! I especially like Mark. Keep up your awesomeness!!  -leader of all the warm blooded creatures of the night

@GeeAmaro: Hey sorry I didn’t comment on the last chapters. I prefer to get caught up before I comment. But wow I love it. It’s funny, it’s relatable, and it’s a very unque storyline. I can’t wait to read more!! Keep up the good work.

~Interview Portion~

Q- What is your favorite genre on Wattpad?

SaraBoo says- Humor! No! Fan Fiction! Wait! I choose Humor Fiction! It’s a mix between both!

Q- What is your favorite thing about Wattpad?

SaraBoo says- My favorite thing about  Wattpad is how everyone from ALL over the world can communicate and share ideas and stories!!!

Q- What is your favorite story on Wattpad? Real Life?

SaraBoo says- One of my favorite stories (right now) is Out Of Routine by@sparksfly13. I love this book! It’s really good so far!!!! So funny!!! My favorite real life book is the Hunger Games series. I love the love story and the action and ahhh! It is a really really really great book!

Q- What is your hobby?

SaraBoo says- I play sports. I play Volleyball, basketball, softball, golf and bowl! I like to stalk One Direction but that’s more like a job. 

Q- What is your favorite color?

SaraBoo says- I like orange, red, blue, green, purple,  yellow, and white. But white is considered a shade…. OH well!!!

Q- What country do you live in?

SaraBoo says- America!!! But will someone take me into their home in London or anywhere near there??? :D

Q- What inspires you to write your stories?

SaraBoo says- Well, many things inspire me to write my story. The biggest one is my (somewhat) normal life. Yes some of the things that happen in my book happen in my life. Another one is One Direction, they are my life and my inspiration to do everything! Is that strange? Nah! It’s all good!

Q- What age did you start writing?

SaraBoo says- When I was in my mother’s womb. Just kidding sorta not really! I started writing when I was 14.

Q- What is your favorite band/bands?


Q- How many fans do you have?

SaraBoo says- 150 fans and counting!!!!!!

Q- What is your real name?

SaraBoo says- Clearly I’m the one who shall not be named!!!! So people call me SaraBoo! 

Q- When did you get a Wattpad? How did you know about Wattpad?

SaraBoo says- I got a Wattpad on the ninth of July and I found out about Wattpad when I was looking up Fan Fictions on Google. Thus my love for Wattpad was born!!!!!

Q- Any other accounts you want people to know about?

SaraBoo says- There are a few: My best friend in the whole wide world@Jewlz. She is lovely!  Can’t live without her!!!!!

Q- Who is your biggest supporter?

SaraBoo says- MY BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!!!@jewlz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I love that girl!!!!

Anything to say to the viewers before the end of this interview?

SaraBoo says- I’m going to attempt to be normal for about a second and say Thank you for reading and please check out my story! I LOVE YOU!!!! Okay sorry I lost my cool. Isn’t that a little sudden? Opps I’m rambling.  

Anything random?

SaraBoo says- I wumbo! You wumbo! He, she, me wumbo! Wumbo! Wumbology, the study of wumbo!!! It’s first grade!!!!!

Anything for the interviewer?

SaraBoo says- Team Zombie or Team Unicorn?

Anything else people should know about you

SaraBoo- I like to eat eat eat apples and bananas!!!!!!!!

Say bye to the people!

SaraBoo says- I don’t want to say bye!! This was so much fun! I really like this stuff! Ahh!!! Opps running out if space so b…..

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