chapter 41 : Mr arrogant

Start from the beginning

As many as the bombs were they atleast would have burned most of the grass around the area but it looked green as ever with a fountain in the middle and numerous cars parked in and out of the garage.

The laser cameras that pointed right at me happened to actually be guns which never shot or whoever was behind the cameras had pity on me and never pressed the button.

Because until now Lesley was still searching about who did not shoot me and who was behind those cameras.

When I got the opportunity to run away I found Zari.

I mean Zari found me in the hospital.
Fed me extra junk food.
And kept my secret.

You might also wonder why the fuck I let her get near me right after I gained consciousness.

First I thought she was a doctor but when she told me who she really was I almost sent her ass into a comma despite the pain I was feeling.

She then told me that even though she hacked in the system to get in this hospital she used a fake name combined with her real name.

Something that wasnt so wise after all.

She then told me that she had information for me that might help me get revenge and hers also.

This time I stood up and she threatened to press the button and doctors would run in the room and she wasnt scared of saying that I was giving her dangerous threats.

So I calmed down and rised my guard even higher.

She told me that she would help me by giving me the number of the person who saved my life back then and when I heard that my interest spiked up.

A good portion of our friendship started from there and when she was talking to me expressing the hate she had for Zack I felt a wave of sadness in her voice and I knew that he had done something to her.

Thats when she revealed that him and the sister killed her parents leaving her an orphan and from the day she watched her parents get shot on the head another one all the over the body she promised herself that she would find them no matter what.

She revealed that she was ten at that time but when they asked her how old she was she lied saying seven because she knew that they would kidnap her and make her a sex slave.

They did do that and I wondered how such a small kid could be so smart.

They then debated if they should kill her or not but the twins who were twelve at that time made a decision of raping her.

Yes she was raped at ten years old.

I watched as she chocked on a sob as she told me how Lesley did the job of holding her hands and hitting her countably when she made and move of protesting.

I felt so disgusted and when I looked into her eyes I say truth written all over her face and she had waiting all her twenty five years to find them.

And she did find him made him fall in love with her and her last plan was yet to be accomplished which consisted of her killing him.

She actually killed their parents and I congratulated her.

How she managed to kill one of the people who lived in High secured places and walked around with tons of guards I didn't know.

I did give her credits for that.

Her parents were killed by the twin's parents who then told the twins to do whatever they wanted with Zara which resulted into rape.

Since then she went through numerous therapy sessions as she was taken in by her mother's sister who was as mad and depressed as her.

In short life went pretty rough on her as she couldn't go to school because she was bullied for being a victim of rape and how she deserved it.

Mr Arrogant Jerk Where stories live. Discover now