a mother

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"I know what you're thinking about guardian, but you won't get to her in time, we have every part of this building under attack."

"What do you want with her?" I hiss, taking caution in my words.

"She's of a certain importance at the moment guardian, no worries. You can have her back when we're done with her.

The other guardians brougt Lissa and Christian away. I growl lowly, trying to contain the anger.

"You can't promise him something like that, Ria, you know that," a new strigoi walks in, slowly and gracious for one of their kind.

My eyes widen as I recognize the woman. "Galina?" my old mentor is standing before me in a form that I had thought to be impossible for her.

"Guardian Belikov," she mocked me. "is it weird to say that I feel pride? After all you're a feared one amongst the strigoi."

I get over the loss of a friend and sigh. "You used to be too," I conclude.

She chuckles darkly and nods. "Yet they caught me. It's different than you'd imagine Dimitri. Strong characters like us won't be so easily consumed by the bloodlust. I would even dare to say that we're not that different to moroi."

June, a talented young guardian that graduated on year before Rose lands at my feet. Obviously having trouble holding on to the life that slowly seems to drain from her.

Galina sighs as if sad. "only we seem to have a harder time stopping the draining,"

The tension holds and we all try to keep focus as June is brought to another room.

"I should probably also congratulate you on the life of parenthood."

I freeze and try scanning her thoughts. Are the twins in danger.

"No worries, they are safe...the rare events of this happening however have made us curious."

"She's not some labrat," I hiss, ready to pounce.

"She's special indeed but our priorities aren't with her ability to carry children... Not yet atleast"

Before I take notice she chokes, coughing up dark blood.

"You will do no such thing, Belikov and I have some business to talk through." a little woman but known for her strength, wit and succes stands before me.

"Mrs Hathaway," I whisper, not sure to be relieved or on guard.

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