SVT Takes A Friendship Test | GLAMOUR

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BL: He's a big softie, to be honest. He cries to me a lot when things are bothering him.

SC: I really don't know how I'd do this without her...seriously.

CC: Jihoon was really quiet

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CC: Jihoon was really quiet. I thought he hated me at first.

WZ: I thought, "No way, she's too tall for me. I can't approach her because she's too tall."

CC: He always played the guitar or hummed to himself. He never really went out of his way to speak to anyone, except the older members. I guess because he knew them longer and got comfortable with them. I kept thinking, "He's gonna be a tough cookie to crack."

WZ: There was this one time...oh no, should I be talking about this? Well let's just say, Cheongie and I got into a really big argument. It was all a misunderstanding, but neither of us wanted to admit we were wrong.

CC: We're both really stubborn.

WZ: Someone from our company forced us to sit down and talk about it, for the betterment of the team...and since that night, I think we've been joined at the hip.

CC: I think when our grandkids have kids...I'll still want to be in his life.

WZ: She always works really, really hard. There are times when we write in the studio and don't realize that it's 4am. She always wants to improve herself, and that's really admirable.

CC: The members say we were separated at birth. I think they're right.

WZ: It's hard to find people who really understand you, but I'm lucky that I found her.

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