Start from the beginning

"I kind of need to confess something..." I started. 

"Harmony, you KNOW you can tell me anything." His eyes reassuring me. 

"Promise you won't freak?" I pleaded, sheepishly. 

"Why? What happened?" He now looked concerned. 

"Well... Remember when I transferred To Cunningham Prep, in the middle of the term?" 


"I changed schools, not because it was too hard, but because Bryan would always call me names. They'd call me a slut and names like that." He looked like he wanted to interject, but I raised my hand to silence him. "It was to get even, as I broke up with him. But, I never gave him a reason to call me those names. And... Jace was right behind him. All of my friends left me. You were my only friend for a long time."

"Jace Emerald?" 

"Yep. And I'm sure, as I bumped into her the exact same day that you met her. Her trademark being her green eyes." 

"She played along with Bryan?" Sadness filled in his voice. 

"Yeah. She used to be one of my best friends, until she turned against me and Hooked up with Bryan." 

"I'm so sorry, Harmony. I can't believe that Jace would do something like that."

"She tends to be two-faced." I giggled. 

"Thanks for trusting me, Hun." He chuckled, sipping his drink. 

"She invited me to her graduation, but I'm not sure I want to go." I said nervously. 

"You should go! Just to show them that you're past all that." He exclaimed.

"Okay! I will. But the worst part is that Jace doesn't even realize that what she did was a back-stabbing move." My mobile buzzed twice in my jumper. 

Hey! :D I was wondering if you're going to Redwood's graduation! You never answered my call.. Text me! X 

Speak. Of. The. Devil. My phone nearly slipped out of my hand. 

"Who is it?"

"Jace." He winced, slightly.

"Whatever! Let's go. We're done with our shopping." 

"Quick to get away from me, are you?" I winked. 

"Definitely." He grabbed my jumper and our bags and ran. 

"Hey! Give me it back!" I chased after him. It was my favorite sweatshirt, my UAL shirt. I got it after getting a scholarship for the dance portion. Too bad I still needed to take my core classes for a few terms. He had wanted one, but he didn't get the scholarship. He still didn't have a jumper from them, yet. 

"Let me borrow it just for the rest of the week?" 

"I'll freeze to death!" I got to his car, first, taking a shortcut from one of the department stores. 

"Beat ya!" I yelled, breathless. We both got in and he started driving. 

"Fun chase, wasn't it?" He teased. His mobile rang. He looked at it. 

"Jace." He rolled his eyes. 

"Hello?" He said, in an annoyed tone. He set in on the speaker setting.

"Hey, babe! Are we still up for tonight?" He said in her shrill voice. 

"Um. Actually something popped up. Sorry." Not sounding one inch of remorse, he hung up.

"Woah, someone was snippy." I pushed his shoulder. 

"Why would I want to BE NICE to her?" He chuckled. Turning the wheel, he dropped me off at my house.

"See you later!" He said, monosyllabic. I grabbed my bag and ran to my dresser. I only had 3 hours to get ready. I jumped into my bathroom, taking an ice-cold shower. I slipped into my dressing gown while I selected my outfit. Hm, he said to wear something comfortable... I picked out some cropped grey leggings, an oversized American flag t-shirt, and fuzzy socks. It was crisp outside, and it looked like it was going to rain. Just as I was pulling on my old converse, I heard a car pull up. Smiling, I opened the door before he even got there. 

"Welcome to my very humble abode." I announced. 

"Very quaint!" Niall answered. Turning around, he pointed to a painting on my wall. "Awesome taste, actually! I love collecting rare art." 

"Me, too! That one was made by my neighbor, Tilly. She has a lot of free time on her hands, so she painted it for me." It's a painting of old, abandoned ballet shoes, hanging on a balance bar.

"Would you like to get going?" He asked, excited. 

"Sure! Let me just get my bag from my room." He nodded and I leaped to my room. Grabbing my bag, I walked to the car, where Niall was waiting for me. I jumped in and he started driving.

“Where are we going?” He never did tell me where we were going go…

“Ice skating!” He replied, chuckling.

“That’s cool! … There’s just one problem… I can’t get around on anything that’s not my feet.”

“I’ll teach you!”

“HA! I’d like to see someone try to teach me.”

“Challenge accepted.” He winked. He turned on the radio. “What kind of music do you like?”

“Mmmm… I really like Michael Bublѐ.”

“No way! I LOVE him!” It was fun to see him fangirl. Imagine seeing someone you’ve fangirled over with all of your energy fangirl over someone else. He plugged in his phone and chose a song by him, ‘Dream A Little Dream Of Me.’ We sang together, and at the whistling part, Niall looked me in the eyes. I closed my eyes, slowly, whilst he was leaning toward me. We were about to touch lips, but an angry driver honked his horn. Crap, I thought, almost. Niall blushed and went to staring at the road in front of us. We got there in a few minutes. The rink was HUGE. He took my hand and led me inside, before the paps could spot us.

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