59: The Effect

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59: The Effect
See also; "Immortal (and/or his ressurected babe) suffers with the trauma


You jolt at the sound that booms somewhere outside the cabin, heart pounding against your ribcages like it's dying to get out and escape whatever the fuck that was. Your knuckles turned white as you grip the blanket tight and close to your chest. The fear pulsing through your veins locks your body into the fetal position you had been in as you had been laying in bed next to Francois.

Your (e/c) eyes cast a glance at your lover, heart still hammering as you hoped he might do something about it. The Frenchman, who had been reading a book to you before the sudden commotion outside, was just as tense as you were. His hands keeps the book in a tight hold as he stared off, either waiting for another sound or thinking of something else.  

As it clicks in your head that neither are you are going to move any time soon, you open your lips to speak. "Francois?" you call out, voice shaking lightly at the last syllable. "Is there something wrong?"

Francois knocks out of his stupor and looks back at you. "It's fine, cherie," he tells you, though you see the doubt in his eyes. He closes the book and puts it by the nightstand, as he kicks the blanket off of his bottom half.

Your eyebrows furrowed together. If it's nothing then why are you getting out of bed?

Another noise erupts from the outside, sending you rigid once more, before willing you to pull the blankets up and over your head as some makeshift shield. You peak from beyond the blanket and watch as Francois stares out towards the window, all the while eyeing the shotgun on display above the fireplace.

"What is it?" you ask, noting the shift in your fiancé's stance. 

Francois had straightened his gait and marched towards the fireplace, grabbing the firearm from its place. Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Francois?" 

Your lover dismisses your calls. "Go hide in the closet," he commands instead as he readies the gun. The lack of emotion in his voice sends shivers down your spine, rendering you frozen at the bed.


Francois gives you a stern look, demanding you to just follow his orders. "Go."

You did as you were told, scrambling towards the walk in closet near the desk and peaking to watch as your fiancé cautiously approach the window. The coats and hangers dig at your back, but you remained at your position, fearing whatever it is that's outside.

For minutes, you watch your fiancé stand ground like a soldier, as if something or someone could jump out of the darkness and attack at any given moment. The silence in the air sent your heart hammering even wilder against your chest in anticipation. 

Overwhelmed, you close the closet door to find some semblance of peace, taking deep breaths to calm yourself down. "It's nothing," you murmur to yourself, "probably just some animal, right?"

Eventually, you hear the faint closing of shutters, as well as the curtains being drawn for good measure. Nothing happened. The cost must be clear now. 

A knock on the wood affirms your assumptions, the door being cracked open by your fiancé. You jump into his arms, and Francois was quick to secure a hold around you. Tears prick your eyes. You could feel your hearts beating against one another, rabidly running at the experience. 

You bury your head into his neck as he carries you back towards the bed. Francois sits there with you draped over his lap—the both of you trying to calm yourselves down. "It was nothing," he soon mumbles into your hair, "just a few deers finding the backyard and knocking a few things over..."

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