53: SILAKBO | To Kill a Vargas

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Silakbo | V

To Kill a Vargas

January 28, 2019
Rieti, Italy
11:29 PM | 1 hour & 14 minutes ago

"You did... You did what?"

Rafael stands before Catalina in disbelief, as she simply sips on her fresh chamomile tea with unsettling calmness. Dressed in only her nightgown and robes, she looked quite the prim and proper lady she was deemed to be. Her brother would beg to differ.

"I ordered Miguel to put the spiders in her room," Catalina shrugs as her eyes still followed the flow of the words that formed the story of the book she was reading. Just as she said those words so unconcernedly, Miguel's voice had echoed from afar and confirmed what she just said.


Catalina raises her brows as her eyes glinted in a sort of pride for what she had done. Rafael was unnerved by the sadistic smirk that coils his sister's lips. He had never known her to be like this. Rafael found himself practically crashing on the chair in front of his sister. "I don't think you understand the cost of your actions, sister. Have you forgotten why we're here in the first place?" he asked, exasperated.

"There's no need to remind me, Rafael," Catalina's voice snapped, her voice suddenly with an edge.

"No, I think you need some refreshments to reality," Rafael insists, "Remember when I told you about him? You swore you won't have any feelings for him. So, I sent you to play pretend and spy on him to drain out information from his organization. After years, you said you didn't have any feelings for him. I let you leave him, and you did leave him. If that had been the case, then why are you even doing this?"

"Because I love him!"

The older Lucchesi couldn't hold back the laugh that came up from his lungs. "Nonsense! We're here to strike a deal and bring his group down at the same time! You're leaving all that at risk for love? If you do love him, then let him go. You're not here to bring what you had back. You're being immature," he was scolding, as though he sat before a small child.

"No!" Catalina cried out, "He's mine! That bitch doesn't deserve him!"

"And you do?!" Rafael scoffs and sends Catalina practically choking on the silence. Rafael didn't want to slap the truth all over Catalina's face so harshly, but she needed to wake up and face what her actions had done. She had let go of Luciano. He moved on and found someone else. Catalina should learn to do the same.

Now, Rafael wasn't really playing saint with her. He knows well enough that his relationship towards the younger Vargas wasn't exactly friendly and he had been a dick to Luciano's girlfriend before, but never would he resort to leaving her helpless amidst spiders for such a pathetic reason. He wasn't a good man, yes, but he still had his values and reasons. With his sadistic habits, he much preferred quick and easy death over the exaggeration that his sister did.

Eventually, Rafael's tone softens at his sister. Of course, he still loves her with all of his heart. "Don't lie to yourself Catalina. You lied. I lied. We both lied to the Vargas," he said, "if you cannot see it, I'll handle this myself. You've done enough damage."

Getting up on his feet, the Lucchesi left his silent sister on her own to sort it out with the Vargas that's been torturing Miguel for God knows how long. He reaches for the doorknob but was taken aback by the hug from behind delivered to him. "I love you, brother. I really do..." Catalina told him. Rafael almost smiles. Almost.

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