The Purest Form of Creation - Aged up

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Hello! I won't be posting very much anymore (maybe once or twice a month at the most) due to starting college. I hope you enjoy this short oneshot, though!


Tikki's eyes sparkled brightly as she giddily waited in the briskly-packed backpack that Adrien had brought as they left the house.

It was late in the night, stars twinkling brightly in the midnight sky. The hospital they were currently in had lights on in almost every room and sounds of people rushing around and footsteps clattering on the floor could be heard in every corridor.

It felt like it had been eons since the last time Tikki was in a situation like this (although technology had advanced a lot since then, so it still felt like a fresh experience for the red ladybug kwami).

"Do you think they'll show us soon?" Tikki questioned aloud, Plagg being the only one around to hear her.

He paused in taking a bite of his cheese to send a pointed glance her way. "They'll show us when the show us." was his only response.

"You're just trying to hide the fact that you're even more excited than I am," she teased, floating over and smirking at him.

Plagg's iridescent green eyes glared back at Tikki, but she knew it was because he was embarrassed to admit the truth. Moments later, he started to shake a little as he kept trying to keep the feelings bottled in.

"Fine!" He suddenly exclaimed, letting out a dramatic sigh. "I'm excited to finally meet Emma. There! Are you happy?"

Tikki giggled as Plagg crossed his arms, looking away from her. He'd always tried to hide his emotions, but he could never hide them from her. She knew him too well for that.

All of a sudden, the kwamis were lightly jostled about for a second as the backpack was lifted from the chair. Both kwamis looked up as the zip slowly opened, Adrien's face coming into view.

His blond hair was askew as he ran his hand through it, and it looked as if he'd been crying. Not surprising, really — Adrien always had been pretty emotional. A wide smile was plastered on his lips and he briefly winked at the kwamis as he carried the bag into the room, shutting the door behind him so that the doctors wouldn't see the two magical beings.

Tikki and Plagg both peered out of the bag, eyes shining with wonder when their gazes landed upon the sight of Emma wrapped in a blanket and being held in her mother's (Marinette's) arms. The newborn squirmed a little, her nose scrunched adorably as her hands reached up.

Marinette nodded to the two kwami who then flew over to her, both of them reaching out to (very lightly) touch Emma's outstretched hands.

The flash of a camera caught their attention.

"You do remember that we can't be seen on camera, right?" Plagg questioned, giving Adrien a look.

Adrien nodded, a fond smile on his lips. "I know that. The opportunity was just too perfect to pass up."

"He's already taken at least thirty photos." Marinette whispered with a giggle, Adrien's face flushing red.

For the next few minutes, Tikki and Plagg listened as Adrien filled in the details that the kwamis has missed while waiting in the backpack. At one point, Plagg had gotten distracted, poking Emma's cheek and saying that she was squishy which had received a loud laugh from Marinette.

Eventually, one of the doctors returned and the kwamis had to hide away again. Before the zip closed once again, Tikki took one last peek out and saw Emma's open eyes staring at her.

She smiled, tears of pure joy brimming in her eyes. That little being was the purest form of creation there could ever be, and she was infinitely proud of her chosen for bringing her into the world.

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