The Return of a Queen

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Hello! This oneshot is the potential series I mentioned in the previous update. I decided to keep it as one long oneshot in the end. This is a challenge entry for the phrase challenge on Miraculous Amino in which I was assigned the phrase 'once in a blue moon'.

An audible sigh escaped Chloé's lips as she stared at the streets below. She stood next to her giant bee signal, disappointed once again at the news that she wasn't needed. Chloé knew it was dangerous to have her miraculous out due to Paris knowing who she was, but that didn't stop her from being hopeful.

But it seemed like being Queen Bee was an event that only occurred once in a blue moon.

Flicking the switch on the side of the light, she turned it off and headed back to her bedroom, repeating the same routine as usual as a familiar pang of doubt built up within her.

As she reached her bathroom and glanced at her reflection in the slightly-fogged mirror, Chloé looked back on her past mistakes—the biggest one standing out to her being her act of jealousy that caused her to transform into her superhero persona for the first time.

Chloé gritted her teeth as her knuckles turned white from gripping the sink so hard, her vision blurring at tears began to build up in the corners of her eyes. Why did she have to get jealous so easily? Why did she make such an idiotic mistake?

She really wished she could go back and fix it, but it seemed like that was impossible now. All Chloé wanted was a second chance—something to start over with—and then maybe, just maybe, she'd be able to experience the exhilarating feeling of bounding over rooftops and fighting evil all over again.

A knock on the door broke her out of her spiralling thoughts, her head turning to see her butler stood in the doorway. Chloé quickly wiped the tears from her eyes, pacing over to him as he presented her favourite teddy bear to her.

"I'm sorry, mademoiselle," he apologised as he handed her the bear, a sympathetic smile on his face.

Chloé nodded in acknowledgement as she cuddled her bear, waving a hand toward the door to signal that he should leave. With a solemn nod, her butler briskly walked away, shutting the door behind him.

Looking back at her reflection in the mirror, Chloé noticed tears building in the corners of her eyes again. A melancholy feeling began to wash over her as she clutched her bear to her chest, memories of her time as Queen Bee flashing through her mind.

"Please," she desperately whispered, wiping her tears away and smudging her makeup. "Please let me be Queen Bee again."


A few days later, Chloé stared at a slip of paper in her hand. Her brows furrowed as she read through the text printed on the voucher.

"So this just randomly arrived in the mail?"

"Yes, mademoiselle."

"Hmmm," she hummed, glancing at it again. It was a voucher for a free massage at Mr Chan's Massage Parlour that was going to expire tomorrow. "My current masseuse has been rather incompetent lately. This voucher expires tomorrow so I'll go now."

"Okay, mademoiselle. I'll tell the driver to bring your limo to the front." Butler Jean responded, Bowing slightly before quickly shuffling away.

Chloé scrutinised the voucher again, questions of how she even received it flowing through her mind. Surely this 'Mr Chan' wasn't just handing vouchers out to everyone, right?

A knock on the door snapped her out of her trance as she shrugged it off and picked up her handbag, placing the voucher in it before heading out to her flashy limo.

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