Let's Swim Away - MariGami (commission)

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Hello! I'm back with another commission and this time it's centred around the LGBT+ ship, MariGami. Please refrain from commenting ship and/or character hate.



Kagami ignored the shouts of the townspeople around her as she hurriedly swam away, the bright red colouring of her tail's scales glowing in the light of the water. She couldn't stop—not yet. The guards would find her too quickly and she'd be sent straight back to her room.

She gritted her teeth as she ducked and weaved through the crowd of merfolk, continuing to ignore them as they tried to catch her attention. Some reached out to try and grab her arm, but a quick thrash of her tail pushed them away with ease.

"Marriage," she bitterly mumbled as she finally broke free from the crowd, speeding up the pace of her swimming in order to put as much distance as possible between her and the palace. "Why must arranged marriages exist?!"

As she glanced behind her, a memory from earlier that morning flashed in her mind. When Kagami had been called to the throne room, she really hadn't been expected the news her mother, Queen Tomoe, gave her.


"Marriage?" The Princess questioned, panic instilling within. Her expression remained calm, but internally her emotions ran haywire.

"Yes, Kagami," her mother responded, looking as powerful as ever from her place on her throne made of coral. "You will be wed to Prince Adrien of the Agreste kingdom in three months time."


The mere thought of being married to that blond pretty boy made her blood boil. It's not that she had anything against Prince Adrien—he seemed like a decent merman—but she couldn't see herself spending the rest of her life with him.

Their love would be fake, and everyone throughout the four kingdoms would be able to tell.

You see, when a mermaid or merman falls in love, colours blossom on their tails. Her mother and father each had elegant patterns running down the length of theirs, but Kagami's was still plain red. She still hadn't met the one, and she doubted that Adrien would be the merman to change that—no other merman had ever caught her interest.

Noticing that she'd reached a deserted area, Kagami slowed down and took in her surroundings. Rocks, corals, plants and a myriad of species of fish surrounded her, all of them combining together to create an underwater garden that (in Kagami's opinion) was the quintessence of beauty.

A smile blossomed on her lips as her gaze moved from area to area, each part of the pultrichudionous creation of nature as pretty as the last. She'd never seen this place before, so she must have swam quite far.

As her gaze continued to wander, she spotted something shining in the distance. Her brows furrowed as she swam over to it, trying to figure out what it could possibly be.

She gasped when she reached it, spotting an object reflecting a light. The rock wall surrounding this area of the garden had a small hole in it and an open clam containing a pearl resting within. Kagami carefully grabbed the pearl to examine it, surprised to see another area hidden behind the gap.

Swimming upwards, Kagami noticed that a layer of rock connected to the wall, concealing the area she saw through the hole.

"But how—" she cut her question off, her brows furrowing in annoyance.

The black-haired mermaid swam back down, confused as to how she was supposed to get in. Frustration started to build within—she was renowned for being intelligent, so why couldn't she figure this out?!

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