Chat Noir's Misery (LadyNoir)

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The first thing that Ladybug had noticed when she turned up to patrol was that Chat Noir was officially late.

He was never late. He somehow always managed to turn up before she did every time. She had tried to get there before him by leaving early one night but he was already there, eagerly waiting for her arrival.

The second thing she noticed is that, once he finally decided to turn up, he wasn't acting like his usual self. Gone was the usual flirty banter and the godawful puns he sent her way. Gone was the large grin that could usually be seen adorning his face.

Instead, there only seemed to be an empty shell of a once cheerful boy who's sense of humour outdid anyone else's. He seemed broken, almost beyond repair.

This had been going for an entire week and Marinette had been growing more and more concerned for him. It kept her awake some nights as she lay in bed, worrying for her partner and the current state he seemed to be in. Endless possibilities came to her mind but, in the end, she brushed them all away.

Originally, she had thought that it may have been that he had had an awful day. She often wondered if he had been bullied in the same way that Chloé had done to her.

She then remembered that everyone in Paris was off school this week and pondered it again. Not to mention that he had the same wrong attitude the next day.

There was one time where he had hinted to her that his civilian life was nowhere near perfect and that his home life suffered from a great loss. She had considered that it may be the loss affecting him but reconsidered the thought when she realised that he had never seemed to let it get to him before. Not when she was the person around him, at least.

And so, Ladybug decided that tonight she was going to confront him about it. She was going to help him with whatever troubles he may be going through in any way that she possibly could. Even if it didn't manage to do much to help the poor boy overall.

Arriving at their usual meeting point on the Eiffel Tower Ladybug noticed Chat Noir was already sat on one of the beams near the top of the tower waiting for her, hanging down his head and staring down at the streets of Paris below as traffic rolled by and civilians walked past, oblivious to the fact that their heroes were nearby.

He didn't respond when she quietly landed on the beam with a small thud, the only indication that he had actually acknowledged her presence being that his cat ears twitched.

Taking a deep breath, she walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder as she knelt down next to him. "Are you okay?" She asked, her concern for his wellbeing laced in her voice.

"I'm fine." He responded as he shook off her hand and stood up, his eyes never leaving the busy streets below them.

She cupped his cheek and turned him to face towards her. She then gasped at the sight of soft tears rolling down his cheeks and dripping from his chin down onto the beam they were currently stood upon.

His eyes had turned red and puffy. He also bit his lip in an attempt to try and prevent more tears from escaping but it was to no avail. His emerald green eyes were glossed over and his lips trembled as he tried to avoid Ladybug's gaze.

After she saw his broken look, Ladybug pulled Chat Noir towards her and held him in a bone crushing hug as a few rogue tears escaped her own eyes. Seeing her usually bright and bubbly partner like this was breaking her heart and only made her affections for him increase more and more.

It's wasn't long until he almost collapsed on her, his tears now rolled freely and splashed onto her shoulder as he hugged her as if his life depended on it.

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