The Love of Her Life (Ladyburg)

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This story is a birthday present for a friend from Amino about a crack-ship that she created after noticing a typo on the episode summary for Riposte on Netflix. The ship is called Ladyburg.

"I'm sorry, Adrien. I've got something important to do tonight," Marinette apologised, a sorrowful expression adorning her face. "I promise that we'll hang out tomorrow, though."

"Okay..." Adrien replied, a sigh escaping his lips as he watched his girlfriend sprint away and down the street.

This wasn't the first time she'd told him that she was too busy to hang out. Adrien knew that Marinette was always working on different projects, but surely she wasn't overworking herself, right?

The thought of his girlfriend buried in a pile of fabric made him chuckle and brought a small smile to his face. It's not like she wouldn't enjoy drowning in bolts of silk and cashmere anyway.

Adrien shrugged it off, deciding that it was best not to ponder it too much. She was probably just busy with designing or the bakery.


"Sorry, Chat." Ladybug apologised, averting her gaze from his. She held her left wrist with her right hand as she awkwardly looked away from his, sorrow in her eyes.

"It's okay, Bugaboo," he replied, cheerful as ever, "it's not your fault that the bakery is so busy at this time of the year."

She smiled sweetly at her boyfriend, moving her hands to rest on his shoulders as she leant up and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I promise that I'll be available to talk later. I'll call you, alright?" She reassured him as she took her yo-yo from her side and swung it into the air, the string latching onto a nearby lamppost.


"Bye!" Ladybug exclaimed as she pulled on the string and projected herself through the air, swinging away over the rooftops of their beloved city.


"M'Lady, I'm worried." Chat admitted, his eyebrows furrowed into a frown.

"Worried? What is there to be worried about?" She responded, wearing a matching frown. Thoughts swirled through her head but none of them seemed like they'd be what he was referring to.

"Well, I overheard you talking to someone yesterday," he began, taking a deep breath and running his hand through his blond locks of hair, "and I heard you say the words 'I love you' to them."

His eyes squeezed shut as he waited for her response. Chat Noir wasn't sure how she'd react, but he certainly wasn't expecting her to burst into a sudden fit laughter.

His eyes opened and he saw that she was on her back and clutching her stomach, a stray tear slipping from her eye.

"Oh my goodness. Adrien, you absolute idiot, I wasn't talking to a person," she laughed.

"Shhh. There's people around here M'Lady," he shushed, wary that random civilians were on the streets below them and could have potentially heard her say his name.

His eyebrows furrowed into a frown as he thought about her reply. "Wait but... who—or what—were you talking to?"

Ladybug stopped laughing and wiped away the tears of joy that had been cascading down her porcelain face.

She stood up on the rooftop and took her yo-yo from her pocket, beckoning for him to follow her.

After a few minutes of leaping over the streets of Paris, they reached Marinette's home and landed on the balcony before opening the skylight and falling through it onto her bed below.

Flashes of green and red light overtook them as they detransformed back into their civilian selves, their kwamis appearing a few moments later.

"Adrien, meet the new love of my life!" Marinette exclaimed shoving the item she now held in her hands in front of his face.

"Are you kidding me?!"


Adrien began to laugh at the situation as he watched his girlfriend cuddle the item of her affection to her chest defensively.

"I can't believe I was worried about you and all you were doing was hoarding iceberg lettuce," he chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Excuse you. Finding this lettuce is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me," she joked, grinning at him. "In fact, if you're not careful I'll love it more than I love you soon."

"Are you going to introduce me?" Adrien jokingly asked, watching as her eyes lit up with excitement.

"But what if you steal it?"

"Marinette, what use could I possibly have for iceberg lettuce?"

"Adrien, I'm not letting you eat the love of my life."

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