Ghost - Adrienette (Request)

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Warning: some dark themes are included

"A haunted house? Are you sure about this, guys?" Marinette questioned as she tried to swallow down her fear. Horror movies were bad enough.

"Of course we are!" Alya exclaimed and slung her arm around Marinette's shoulder, leaning towards her ear. "Just imagine Adrien hugging you if either of you get scared." Alya whispered, a smirk adorning her face.

Marinette pushed her away, a blush on her face, and the dark-haired girl giggled.

Marinette weighed up the pros and cons of it for a moment. She could get the fright of her life but, on the other hand, this was a rare chance to hang out with Adrien.

She sighed, giving in to the temptation, and nodded at her best friend who's face lit up in glee.

"You won't regret this, girl!" Alya shouted, giving Marinette a quick hug before zooming away to inform the boys that Marinette would be tagging along.


"Well, this doesn't seem too bad." Nino commented as the group strolled up to the abandoned mansion Alya had found out about online. People had claimed to have seen ghosts while inside but she didn't believe any of that and wanted to prove them wrong.

The mansion itself gave off a bad aura as it looked to be falling apart bit by bit. Windows had massive cracks through them, wooden panels hung loose in various places and the roof had holes dotted about that let all of the rain inside, causing even more damage to the once illustrious estate.

The group reached the old fashioned front door, holes and chips of wood missing from it in various places and pushed it open causing a loud creak to echo around them.

"In we go!" Alya shouted as she ran last the other three and into the oversized house. She gasped at the partially rotten wood and the frayed rugs around her, taking in how old the place actually was.

"So, do we just walk around the place?" Adrien questioned as he walked past Alya, stopping when he almost tripped over a loose floorboard.

Meanwhile, Marinette stood in the front doorway, feelings of anxiety and fear building up inside. She was already scared by the concept of haunted houses and definitely regretted agreeing to come along.

She took and deep breath and began to walk inside, following after her friends who had obviously decided which hallway they were going to go down.

Almost every floorboard she stepped on creaked, and she swore she felt something scurry over her feet. Marinette did not like this at all.

She bashed into something hard and let out a scream, sighing with relief when it turned out to just be Adrien's back. He turned around and smiled comfortingly when he saw her panicked expression.

"Don't worry, Marinette. It's not like there's any real ghosts in here anyway." He reassured, placing a hand on her shoulder comfortingly. She nodded, her breath evening out to a normal pace.

The group continued to walk around the seemingly deserted place and Marinette felt herself calming down and becoming more relaxed as time went on.

That is, until they heard it.

"Hello." A small and timid voice called out, shocking the group of four. Alya and Nino looked at each other and shrugged it off, resuming their silly act of mimicking the paintings around them.

"Is anybody there?" The same voice called out and Marinette felt shivers run down her spine. She did not like the way that this was going.

"H-hello." Marinette timidly replied as she slowly walked towards the source of the voice, Adrien close behind her.

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