Death by Merciless Tickling - LadyNoir

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"Then, after we had left the fair, we decided to..." Ladybug trailed off as she noticed her partner's melancholy look.

She'd been recalling a memory from when she was younger to him - leaving out all of the details that could give herself away of course.

"Chat Noir." She murmured as she waved a hand in front of his face. It seemed that he hadn't heard her for he was still zoned out and lost in his own little world, the same glum expression adorning his face.

Ladybug sat and thought for a moment, a helpful memory of her parents resurfacing in her mind. She smiled at him and poked him on the shoulder but frowned when he still didn't respond.

'Well, if he's not going to respond...'

Ladybug moved her hands under his arm and near his stomach, a smirk appearing on her face as she did so. She started to tickle him, causing a small reaction from the teenage boy.

Chat Noir's lips quirked up slightly as if he was trying not to smile and his eyes started to light up again. Eventually, he gave in and began to let out a laugh as he tried to push her hands away.

"Stop it! It tickles!" He protested between laughs, still attempting to push her away.

But she didn't stop. Instead, she starts to tickle him even more.

"Oh, what a way for this poor cat to die. You know what will be displayed on my grave?" He began to dramatically shout, placing the back of his hand on his forehead. "Death by merciless tickling!"

At those last words he waved his hand out in front of him as if the words were actually there and he was reading them.

Ladybug giggled at that. She was glad that she'd managed to get her partner back to his normal cheery self. Her parents method of tickling some people until they felt better worked after all.

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