Her Angelic Voice - Lukanette

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Rose let out another loud cough, Juleka rubbing soothing circles onto her back as the pink-obsessed teen shuddered.

"I'm sorry," she apologised, a sorrowful expression adorning her face, "We're not able to perform because of me."

Luka froze on the spot from where he'd been pacing up and down the ship he called home, turning to face Rose with disbelief written on his features.

"It's not your fault at all, Rose. It's winter, so one of us was bound to become sick." Luka reasoned, walking towards her and kneeling down in front of where she sat.

"But how are we supposed to perform?" Rose questioned, still feeling a bit guilty.

Luka thought about it for a moment, pondering a few different ideas that sprung into his mind.

"I guess we'll just have to find someone who can fill your spot," he stated, running through a list of names in his head, "don't worry, Rose. We'll sort this out."

"Er, hello," a familiar voice greeted from behind him, sounding a little bit confused.

"Marinette!" Rose shouted, shooting up from her seat and almost knocking Luka over, "you can sing, right?"

Marinette's gaze flickered between Rose and the two Couffaine siblings, questioning what was happening.

"I-I guess so," she responded, letting out a squeak when Rose wrapped her arms around her in a brief hug.

"Great! You can be the one to fill my place then."

"Fill your place?" Marinette questioned, looking more confused than ever.

"Rose is ill so we need someone to temporarily replace her as lead singer." Luka explained as he walked over to the two girls, Juleka trailing behind him.

"What?!" Marinette shouted, backing away from them.

"Watch out!" Luka exclaimed, wincing a moment later when she tripped over one of the various boxes that were placed around the boat.

He walked over to her and helped her to stand up, keeping a hold of her hand so that she didn't fall over again.

"Please, Marinette." Rose pleaded as Marinette bit her lower lip, considering her options.

One one hand, she could sing on stage with her friends as they perform the rest of their class but, on the other hand, she could let them all down and cause disappointment.

"Okay. I'll do it."


Marinette but her nails as anxiety built up within her.


She told herself.

'It's only your classmates and friends.'

After trying to calm her nerves, she stopped her insistent pacing and tried to block out the noise of the people patiently waiting for them to perform.

It was the faint sound of Luka's guitar that brought her out of her trance. Her smiled at her and stopped playing what she assumed was the current rhythm of her heart.

"There's no need to panic, Marinette. Just let yourself get lost in the music," he reassured.

She nodded and took a deep breathe, turning towards the impromptu stage they'd made on the houseboat.

Marinette and Luka joined the rest of the band onstage, causing claps and hollers to come from her watching friends.

She took one last moment to compose herself before the music began and she lost herself within it, just as Luka had told her to.

Luka was mostly unsurprised by her angelic voice—of course an angel like Marinette would sound so sweet—but he found himself entranced by her.

His heart raced as she sang the beautiful melody, causing him to almost mess up a few chords.

He was so glad that they'd chosen Marinette as a temporary replacement.

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