The Miraculous Thief - PJO AU

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"Monsieur Agreste."

"Yes, Ma'am?" Adrien nervously replied, glancing to the left to see his teacher, Ms Mendeleev, stood behind him.

Her arms were crossed and a stern look was etched onto her face, indicating that the conversation she wanted to have may be of some importance. Adrien gulped, not looking forwards to whatever it was that she was going to say.

"We need to talk," she continued, turning around and beginning to walk away into a room nearby. Her footsteps echoing on the concrete floor beneath them as her heels clicked.

Adrien began to follow her, glancing back over his shoulder at his best friend Nino, who looked confused as to where he was going.

Adrien smiled at him, trying to indicate that it was all okay and that it wasn't anything bad. But even as he walked through the door, he could see his best friend's obvious unease.

As they walked into the almost empty room, the door shutting quietly behind them, Adrien frowned. Something felt... off. As if something terrible may be about to take place.

Adrien shook off the feeling, glancing around the large room as he continued to walk inside of it.

"Have I done something wrong?" He questioned running through a myriad of thoughts in his mind as to what he could have possibly done.

Adrien knew that it had taken him a while to read the writing etched in stone as the words jumbled for him, but surely that can't have meant anything. He struggled to read things off the blackboard in class all the time after all.

Or maybe it was to do with all of the things he had destroyed within the last week. He had always had terrible luck with everything and often accidentally destroyed things. It often caused him to get into a lot of trouble, but Adrien had learnt to put up with it, despite how much further trouble it got him in with his stepdad, Gabriel.

He honestly wasn't sure why his mother, Emilie, even liked that man. All he caused was violence.

Adrien turned around, frowning when he couldn't see Ms Mendeleev again. She had been right behind him, hadn't she?

"Ms Mendeleev," he called out, his footsteps echoing in the large room he stood in, "Hello?"

The strange feeling came back again. Something wasn't right here. Something horrible was about to occur. But what could it possibly be?

"Where is it?" Her shrill voice loudly demanded, catching Adrien's attention. He looked up to see Ms Mendeleev stood a few metres into the air upon some large shelves.

How on earth did she get up there without him seeing or hearing a thing?! Adrien had always had better-than-average hearing so surely he would have been able to hear her, right?

"How did you get up there?" Adrien wondered aloud, his heart starting to beat erratically in his chest.

At that moment, Ms Mendeleev let out a blood-curdling cry that sent shivers down Adrien's spine. He took a few precautionary steps backwards, and his eyes widened as she jumped into the air from where she stood, adrenaline beginning to pump through his veins as shock overtook him.

Nothing could have prepared him for what happened next.

The memory all started to feel like one big blur now.

Ms Mendeleev had transformed into a Fury, a winged beast. She'd threatened to tear his heart out while carrying him in the air before dropping him and smashing through the window, flying away.

His other teacher, Miss Bustier, had given him what he'd thought was a pen at the time. The moment he clicked it and it transformed into a black longsword, Adrien swore his heart had left his chest.

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